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Reviews for "Sporkfest"

Uhm.. Was that COMMANDER KEEN?

Did I see the Commander Keen game in there?

If so, I need to compliment you for bringing me back to my 386 days.

Rock on.

TmsT responds:

Check out my other movie "Dopefission". It's as Keen as it gets.

Kinda funny

not a bad flash, i liked the game refrences, some more of them wouldnt have gone astray

The banana phone strikes again!

It was......interesting but whats the point of having loads of dancing sporks?Although it was very funny 2 see all those ppl stunned by seeing it


You know, i never thought there could be a spork in my fruit bowl. But now i'll check every time.

Graphics: As usual with all your flashes, the graphics are a delight in the bouncy fun cartoonishness with trying to wow people with them to pass them off as a quality film. Great stuff here.

Sound: The only place where the film falters a bit. I sort of understand the use of the song, but as i'm sure most users have heard here, we've heard it as much as we've heard All of You Base or Badgers Badger Badgers.

Interactivity: Everything's working fine. Of course, i could ask for a pause button in case i have to rush to the bath room while the film is going, but otherwise fine. Amusing secret at the end.

Style: Classy obsurd stuff. This is why we like you.

Violence: Not a single Spork was hurt in the cartoon. A cat looked terrified though.

Overall, the referencing geek humor may be tiring some, but this worked on it's own fairly well.

Once again, don't stop a rocking.

TmsT responds:

I am making no apologies for the sound, anymore! If you don't like it because you don't like that sort of music, fine. I appreciate that we all have different musical tastes they we as individuals are entitled to.
But if any of you think that there's something wrong with this movie's soundtrack because it happens to be the same as that of another movie whose creator STOLE IT FROM THE ORIGINAL ARTIST IN THE FIRST PLACE, then I suggest you go back to listening to your Moronic Kitten and In-Sink MP3s, you retarded crackbabies. (Not you, Un-J.)


it was pretty good...I liked the music!!