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Reviews for "Blue Screen : Episode 1"


Good story line except its lock.....
Why did you have to do lock?
If you changed the characters i think over all popularity would go up much higher not to mention its just more creative and cooler. Lock isnt too highly favored and there are reasons for that....
Hope to see more from ya with different characters please :(

awful and ... wierd

it kinda disturbs me now that there are people that create flash animations about objects or people with 18th century lock holes for faces, and then let them have these stupid adventures. coke lock? communist lock? wtf man? your skills would be better used in creating professional flash shows for presentations for corporate businesses, or crap like that. I did not enjoy that at all, and was about the worst 5 minutes of my life.

DiaDz responds:

Flash by stinkface101: -none-

Lets see you do better


Sorry to blam you, but I finally found something worse than 'clocks', and that is this movie, with 'locks'. Gah, ppl, learn to animate and draw faces instead of trying to do something Dali like this. I mean, everything else was great, good technical art, but then why fail on the faces? Especially knowing that the face is the heart of your animation, do chibi or something, but not (c)locks. And another thing, used to be people didn't have microphones hooked to their computer, now every does, either make use of it or keep with the text dialog! MS-voice sounds are a serious turn-off that should be saved solely for animating robots, Al Gore and John Kerry. And WindowsXP? I love it, so you lost another point with me there, oh well. At least I watched the whole thing, so you didn't completely bore me. And having to click for them to fight, that suxd! Either a flash should have a lot of interaction, or none. But don't freeze action in the middle of a scene, just because you can, and make me click a single button that does one thing. I mean, it's like you though you were giving me a choice, but then my only real choice was 'stop watching this' or 'click this button', then you did it twice. So there was absolutely no point to it. I think you could go far with your vids, just ditch the lock thing, plz.

DiaDz responds:

Sorry, but... LL 4EVR!!!


after a minute i wanted to turn it off, but instead i watched the rest of it just so i could be sure that it sucked. I was hopeing this might be some good since i gave your other diamelon movie a bad score but i am disapointed yet again. Are you on drugs? is everyone else here that liked it on drugs too? where do you come up with these ideas, its not even funny...cept for the...thing...at the bus station. Oh and that whole pokemon/final fantasy style of fighting was annoyying its a video i just want to watch it not participate.

Well this is just great

Its not fair that people keep doing these clock/lock flash movies, then I'm going to b unfair too ^^ ( and that means 0 for you )

DiaDz responds:

Thanks, I've just finished reciting an incantation to damn your firstborn into a slow and pitiful death.