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Reviews for "Lock Hawk Down Part One"

nice job

cant wait for part 2


Wow, I am ammased by that video. Good job. Cannot wait until the next one. Keep up the good work!

An ex-hater joins your ranks. Excellent job!

Initially, I hated both the Clocks and the Locks, but I have been swayed to support your cause. The clock movies are still pretty stupid and pointless, but you locks are often pretty funny and original. My favorite of your group is Communist Lock. He is hilarious, even is name cracks me up.

This movie is a great advance for the locks. Keep fighting the good fight!

I also noticed that you, PeachLock, are back from the dead. I hope you don't disband (you all seem to be dying or quitting), I was just starting to like you guys.


I am not one to generally dis well done movies but this one kinda struck a nerve with me mainly because my cousin was 82nd Airborn (which is who did the assult)and I saw the tramatic experience that it had on his company 1st sargent (in the movie he was the guy shot in the back, in the radio). Maybe its my personal closeness to the actual event but with so many people dieing in a poorly planned operation I dont feel it should be made lite of.......oh well take it for what its worth

Rho-VIII responds:

What? The 82nd Airborne was involved too? I thought that it was just the 75th Rangers, 160th SOAR and the Delta Force? Normally the 82nd are parachuted onto their target, but I'll take your word for it...

This was pritty good but only a few problems

The problems I have with this flash is:
The voices are gay, and their fucking clocks

I love the movie "Black Hawk Down" and this was praticly just like it. I loved the guns and the Black Hawks and the Humvees.

Good job make some more!