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Reviews for "The shadows of sorrow"


everything about this submission is shitty


First of all, I have several goth friends, and it IS a fad, for some people. Some people live their lives certain ways, others always try to copy someone, or "Jump someone else's train" (The Cure forever.) You can't deny that, there are always people who think that what someone else does is better than what they do (anyone ever see "Heathers" ?)
Secondly, to say Weezer is "happy 3 chord droning music with lyrics that have absolutly noooo meaning " is a flat out lie. Pick up the Blue Albulm and Pinkerton and be amazed by some of the best damn music you'll ever hear. (Well of course next to the Cure, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, ah so many good bands, never enough time, wish I lived during the 60's sometimes.)
And to anyone who feels I'm "Defending the 'evil' goths" I know goths who are flat out assholes. I also know one that's been one of my best friends almost all my life. People sometimes just are horrible. But you can't let that bring you down. Some people get a kick out of bashing others. Let them. I know this kid who is a big jock, always playing sports, especially soccer, but never focusing on anything else. He got a full scholarship to several schools. But guess what? His fucking around, feeling like his 'superiority' would make things easy, screwed him, because he needs all the credits he can get this year, and our programming teacher is failing him because he skips out on classes.
Oh yeah, the teachers who coach him pass him, 'cause he's a "good kid".
So you see, shit like this happens because people feel they are better. This could happen to anyone. I guess I've kinda gotten off track here, stupid shit like that pisses me off, but what I'm really trying to say is this movie wasn't spectacular, but it did have an interesting plot idea. Its just to get a whole goth/nongoth war going on over someone's flash is stupid.
Oh, and if anyone bashes me because I "don't do flash" its because 1) I'm a programmer, I work on games, not movies and 2) I probably will make a little flash for my game when i get a demo out.

dude you need to calm down

if you care about what youre doing youll focus on your work instead of what fads everyone are following and the meaning of nofx's lyrics!i would like to go on about my opinions of this band and weezer but thats not what all this is really about ...dont take the underhanded comments to heart..or youll never truly unleash
your potential

robingraves responds:

thanks for the decent review.i just get pissed off when people trash what they dont know. but your right though people like that just have an inferiority complex and do that to make them selves fell better. thanks though

This is just artsy goth shit.

Prepare to get all defensive, cock. Your movie is a feeble attempt at an artsy epic with a hint of goth. The reviewers before are right - it's been done. But even considering how played out the story is, it still could be done again and well-received if it had good graphics, but you can't even do that. Oh, and goth is a trend. Goth is all about bitching and hating, an elitist mentality, and a humble "I really hate myself" personality which feeds that elitist mentality. It's a trend, a class, just another direction kids decide to go... what dumbfucks.

robingraves responds:

your a fucking idiot. It is now about hating or killing your self. I will admit i rushed the end. Its sad that i have to defend my stuff from some ass who has probally never made a flash animation in their life. And by the way if you think goth is a trend well take a look at that nofx and wezer shit on your profile. That shit is the fad now . Goth has never been a fad and never will be. there are more kids into it but have you ever seen a real gothic band play at a stadium( manson does not count for he is not goth and he admits it) so next time you go bashing some ones are form. Rembember that you have no room to talk. so go back to your happy 3 chord droning music with lyrics that have absolutly noooo meaning and quit giving people 0 just to make your self fell important.

Tha crow?

Dude, are you trying to copy the crow? Thats just not right....

robingraves responds:

ok lets get something straight. the crow is an ordinary guy that gets powers to avenge w wrongfull death. the criminals are gang members usually, i havent seen the last one yet but my main chracter is a vampire i just didnt reveal much about him except for the fact that he is 400 years old. my bad guy is also super natural. so just because its got that gothic influenze doesnt mean that is a copy of the crow.