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Reviews for "She Was Dreaming In The Rain"

very touching

this song really sooths whatever mood one might be in, i know it did me. I envy you. i hear songs alot in my head (i know what your thinking but lets stay on topic pls and not on my sanity lol) and i just wish i knew how to play it out and set it up as you have with such clerity and beauty that brings forth so much emotion from the depths of ones own soul. if you have any tips or could tell me a bit on how to make something like this then pls email me at xanjwolf@yahoo.com. if you cant then i understand but i would really appreciate it if you could. keep up the good work betoven and i hope to hear from ya some time soon....i may not find this song again later on this site so pls email sometime a responceif anything. well keep it up, later ~.^

Very chill

The piano is great! The rest of the guitar blends in great!

TenchuX responds:

glad you liked it

this si Great Stuff!

This is proof that you dont need 300 bpm to be a good song, i love the Feeling in this song.

Great job

I love how you started out this song! The music captures your concept so well!!
If you have read any of my other reviews, i'm a pretty tough critic here on NG, but this is amazing! This is going on my favorites.
Just a couple of things though :). I think that the rain maybe could have died out somewhere around 1:24, and you could have some great wind-chimes or some vibraphone come in there, or some really nice choir and loud piano playing some high notes. But I didn't take a star off for that because, that would have not captured your concept as well as you did it. But just for some other listeners, i think they may be thinking the same thing. I absolutely love this song, it si definatly one of my absolute favorites. The ending was awesome, although i think that the guitar, at the end, stopped too abruptly. I think you should have maybe strung out that chord for maybe another couple of seconds, let the strings ring out. I don't know what the people below me mean when they say they can't see any use for this. Thats not true, you could defiantly use this in maybe some T.V. show or some animation that deals with some romance.

But overall, just amazing, absolutely amazing! You have so much talent in music composition and you shouldn't let that go to waste! Pursue this talent, and just use it to propel you through life, help you get along! In your free time maybe if you are feeling down, LISTEN TO THIS SONG!! aw man this song just totally touches my heart! you can never get enough of this song, i been listening to it for 20 min now. aw so amazing! You are on my favorite artists now, i will check in with your new songs everytime they come out.

I have never given out a 10/10 5/5 before but you have defiantly earned it

KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TenchuX responds:

Glad you enjoyed the song so much. I still concider this the best song I've ever done, even after heading into 5 years. The file I used to make this song along with all the samples were destroyed in 2005 when my computer got some bad glitch and I had to reformat. Unfortunately It was not I never backed it up... which would have been easy because I had an F drive that was fine. Hein Sight is 20/20. I would have loved to make an updated version of this song with extra stuff... especially since I tools that sound better across the board for every aspect of this song, but I just don't have the drive to do this all over again from scratch.

As for checking new songs of mine, I'll be releasing a re-do of my FF7 Haven in the Sky's song soon. It's already up, but it's not final. As for a really quality remix, the Donkey Kong Country Mines WIP, I have up is going to be pretty good when it's done. It might even get onto OCRemix. Thanks for the review.

So Soothing

Man, there is something about this song that I just love. It's soothing, comforting, relaxing, it's perfect. Keep up the awesome work!
