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Reviews for "Tripout"

Obviously only for people on drugs

I found nothing of interest in this movie. It's just a bunch of looping kaleidoscope images with really annoying sounds accompanying them. I guess that it's different than everything else I have seen on here, but not a good kind of different.

swaenK responds:

Did you just insult Kaleidoscopes, because if you did... oh man, God help you if you did.


This is very cool. I probably spent at least 15 minutes staring at these... great job... btw when is the sequel going to be ready?

Tripping up North

Good animation, though the window could have been a bit bigger (though file size may hamper that, I'm sure). Wondering where you got the alpha wave samples; similar to the kind stuff they use for biofeedback therapy. The animation was well done. The subject matter was trite, though I enjoyed it, and I must defend the subject. But when you reply to people refering to the holocaustn and as "fucking jew," you make yourself out to be a dumbass. Even if they don't sample the goods, it is fun to watch, but just not as engrossing.
I've met some class Canadians in Toronto and elsewhere, but found a uppity Nazi-Cannuck here. Hope you hear the pop, and finally find your touque, when you pull your head out of your ass.
Not a jew; smoke pot; and have at least sampled everything you suggested this was designed for. Don't bag on the fact I haven't submitted (yet); you don't need to be a practicing artist to be a critic of innane responses.

swaenK responds:

lol, I am glad you liked it. I am not actualy a "natzi" I am just an asshole. By implying that he was a jew, and he should of been around the holocaust, it meant I wanted him to die, a horrible, painfull death. The holocaust is kind of like aids, it's finally funny. I just really can't stand intollerable people who are so intelectualy impaired that they believe what ever is told to them. So please forgive me, but I love being a "dumbass". Once again, I am glad you liked the movie and you got something out of it. Thanks for the review, yo.

It's good for what it is.

I think it's rather humorous how so many people are freaking out because something was created for those who choose to use drugs. What's even funnier is that the author is far more educated and intelligent then all the righteous people screaming that his 'druggy' (it's actually druggie, with an ie, not a y at the end) ass should go to Hell.

Come back when you're smarter then the 'druggy'. Your opinions carry no weight until then.

swaenK responds:

Thank you for your review. I am glad you liked the movie, and that you feel the same way I do. People don't seem to realise I am not telling them to "go out and snort cocaine", I am just pushing a little colourfull movie onto them. Good to see another Canadian on the site too btw.


just smoked a bowl like 2seconds ago and i see tripout! lol nice job, u should make way more tho for the futur!

swaenK responds:

Well, I might make more, this one went over fairly well so I will deffinitely put more effort into it.