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Reviews for "The Death of Hank"


The "intro" of this track seems a bit too long. It takes some time until finally something happens when the faster sets in.

I guess it would work better and sound less repititve when it is included into a movie. Then we not only have the song to listen to but also the plot to follow on the screen (and indeed, it worked quite well when I read through your description while listening to the song).

I like the ending of that song. The hold note may say: "Ok folks, this was the LAST episode ever" or it may say: "to be continued...".

{ Review Request Club }

WritersBlock responds:

Hehe, thanks. Yeah, I've been going through a learning curve on structure recently, compensating short, under-developed tunes for long, perhaps too paced out songs. I'm just waiting for that to balance so that my music won't need the movie to still be an interesting song to listen to.

Nice :P

Well, The only place where this would fit is at Hanks death scene, as this is more of a sad, funeral song for mourning rather than a shooting, action packed song.
The song got kinda repetetive but when the hip-hop beats came in it got a little less repetetive. A nice tune and melody, but it could do with an uplift, maybe add something heavier in such as acoustic or drums (soft).

>Review Request Club<

WritersBlock responds:

Yeah, this was pretty much made just for that purpose. I've also thought about redoing this song, but I can't see it happening in the near future. I've also thought about adding it as a sort of "bonus" track for the little album thing I'm working on. Who knows, I might remake it just for the album. ;D
Thanks for the review.


Well I can say that I don't exactly think this would fit with Madness for some reason. Even if it is suppose to be a song that is suppose to go along with Hank's death. It did get very repetitive and that didn't make it too much fun to listen to, but that is probably due to it being over 5 minutes long. Even though it's suppose to be a sad song about a death I think there needs to be just a little bit more.. how do I say it? Energy? Even as weird as that may sound. Just something a little heavier added to it itself. Hell, I don't know anything about music though. >.< The last note at the end was a nice little addition. Just as soon as you think the song was going to end the last note finished it off.


~ Review Request Club ~

WritersBlock responds:

Yeah, variation and direction, I found it difficult to go somewhere with this track. I think that if I can get a good composition with this style and mood, I think it'd turn out quite good. Despite the lack of variation, I believe that the quality of sound is quite good for a few soundfonts. The ending was just a little sudden thing I wanted to add so that it has a sense of finality.
Thanks for the review.


but if you could, this is how he would want to go, in the beginning it sounds like you're just looping the same melody over and over, but that's excusable, but you can just hear the sad hopelessness of a great warrior who has fought one battle too many, poor Hank

WritersBlock responds:

I added some instruments here and there, and overall it's a pretty long loop before the progression repeats (I think I do it twice?).
Thanks for the review, and


to me it just felt like it was one endless loop , the addition of the hip-hop beats were welcome for a while but it didn't go anywhere from there just kept going on and on still a good submission but i got bored with it

.:Review Request Club:.

WritersBlock responds:

Thanks. Maybe you could suggest something I could do to make it less boring?