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Reviews for "Liberated"

As much as I like it...

The song itself is beautiful: instruments, tune, they all rock.

The problem I have with it is the "crowd cheering" clip. I don't think it belongs, it just busies up the track and gets in the way of listening to the music. To me, it feels more like you were trying to stick in with the fad of using the clip than actually use it to make your song better.

On the flip side, I do understand how cheering does fit in with the clip's theme (heck yes college), and I did note that you put it on sections of the song that would otherwise be sort of minimal. But I do think that (especially the intro) would sound a lot better without the woooooo.

But since that's my only complaint (and I'll admit that I'm a perfectionist jerkwad) I'd say this is an awesome song. I do love the different sounds, especially how you add in a sort of 8-bit feel to the later half.


I bet you felt free after finishing this!

automatic 5 for effort!

perfect use of drums...i could not do better to save my life...without the drums this song would fall to its death...

every time i listen to it i find sounds that i havent heard the first time...

i could listen to this all week! (acctually i will!)

Im not into dance shit but pritty damn well done!

Great stuff! Im deff gonna use this for a dorm dance party! Ha! Keep rocken!


good techno music !!!!

Good Work

I will start right here by saying I am not a fan of techno but this does not mean I don't know good techno when I hear it.

This is a very well done track and is also a lot of fun to listen to. It is energetic and upbeat which I really like about it.

It maintains this through the whole track without ever feeling too repetitive.

Over all great job with it and I hope you keep them coming :D