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Reviews for "Randomnessisgodlyness :)"

one good point

"Are you scared yet?" I liked that you could only press yes, that was funny. I liked your style of drawing, as for the randomness, didn't like it. I like story line or a point behind the animations.


i didnt really understand this. the guy before me did cause he wrote a fucking essay on the damn thing. this was really confusing, the guys essay too.

systemic freewill within a biomechanistic organism

Freedom has been the subject of socio-economic theory, philosophy and innumerable other 'intellectual' endeavors documented historically for centuries. Prior to the advancement of physics, freedom was, or in the least the concept of freedom, hindered by the metaphysical plausibility of predetermination, for example are my actions my own or is this but God's will manifested through my body, etc. This plausibility however was quite abstract and beyond the realm of verification, Contempory physics however has yielded the observation of a basic set of principle axioms which govern the determinitive outcome of all mechanistic endeavor, these axioms and the determinism they confer allow humans to manipulate and assimilate material objects to the desired end, hence the historical success of technological advancements within the last century, However humans and all biological modes of existence are also mechanistic organisms or biomechanistic rather, say the movement of the body for example, an electronic signal is sent from my brain to the desired limb to be moved and triggers the muscles to react in the desired way etc. (this is an oversimplification of the actual phenomena that occurs, but I fail to see what would necessitate a comprehensive prolegomena concerning the physical workings of the body) although the quantum physics of biology is actually quite a bit more probabalistic then determinitive, if one observes the interplay of subatomic particles one may note that it is near impossible to predict at least with precedent the way in which they move or interact, such apparent arbitray patterns suggests perhaps our thoughts, actions etc. are but the outplay of these subatomic particles within a chaotic system, although this is not to deny the efficacy of subtle coercions, that is to say the discipline of the body to the desired behaviourlistic end (the body and it's conditioning has been the object of power mechanisms since rome, and were materialized to their full potential during the Napolean rule and the remenants of such with which we are still bound to within the present) it does however in a way alleviate responsibility, no longer are we predetermined by God, but rather by science or perhaps both, I really liked the way this film dealt with this, both postmodern and paradoxically ancient problematic.

IrMyke responds:

wel that was long and confusing lol :) keep it up my ... confusing reviewer


Banjos aren't cool, they suck ass, just like the rest of this god forsaken waste land we live in called the south.


It is random. And it also sucks. Never send anything in ever again!!!!

IrMyke responds:

well you see for me to have to take anything you have to put serious first id have to see what you can do or if you have the experience to prove otherwise both i have not seen