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Reviews for "Zafina of Eden IV"

I think it's time to try something new.

The drawing had a few flaws which I'm too lazy to point out, and overall, you could have done better with the anatomy(her hips are freakishly large).

But I'm noticing a common tradition throughout all of your drawings, ALL OF THEM ARE ANIME CHICKS. Well, maybe some of them are men, but I can't really tell.

I think for your next drawing you should try something entirely different, step outside your comfort zone and explore new ideas, because a lot of people seem to hate your current style. I'm not saying you should change entirely, but just for once try something different, just to see the results.

Lots of minor issues pile up.

At first glance there's nothing really horrific about it. But anything more then a fleeting look reveals a lot of minor issues that clog the clarity and impact of the drawing.

I'd like to first mention the hips. It's okay to be cartoony and exaggerate certain aspects of anatomy, however, this needs to be consistent throughout the whole figure. There are certain rhythms of the human body that need to be listened to. Because of the large hips, small shoulders, and large skull, the rhythm is out of sync to how a woman looks.

Second, the face structure is seriously lacking. It's really common for people to try and slap anime features on a flat head shape when drawing in a Japanese style. But this is the wrong way to go about it. Her eyes are facing forward, yet, her head is turned! This suggests that her left eye is right up and close to her ear.
Her mouth was also placed in an awkward spot. She has no jaw, so it looks as if it's been placed under her chin. Look at some skulls to try and mimic where features are placed.
The eyes are also rather lifeless. For a character who is "over-dramatic" you're loosing a lot of feeling by leaving out the pupils.

Next, the armor needs some re-envisioning. There's no way this girl is fighting against a world destroying demon in that. The second she raises her arms those two puppies are falling right out of that breastplate.
She can be gutted, stabbed in the heart, get her legs and arms chopped off, be hit over the head by anything, but at least her shoulders and kneecaps will be alright. You can make sexy work while still covering up her most vital areas.

Last point, the hair. Nothing annoys me more then play-doh hair. What I mean by play-doh hair is that it's a large blob with some spikes pulled out. Pay more attention to how hair falls on the head because it will never naturally clump like that along the bangs.
For coloring the hair, avoid treating it like it's a plastic. There's no need to draw every last strand, but you need to find ways to find a happy midpoint.

Oh dear, that was a pretty long critique. I could go more in-depth, but I think anymore will be counterproductive.


DragonPunch responds:

Thanks for the advice, though that was pretty tough to swallow, admittingly...


Wow, if this is art. Then, they must have really lowered the standards these days. ItâEUTMs incredibly flat with very little body details. The cape is uneven. The eyes are lifeless. No breasts are that small. And thereâEUTMs no sign of any ears. Finally, to top it off her calves are way too thin to match up with her legs. The only thing you did get right was some good coloring. But, even a child can do that..

DragonPunch responds:

Thanks for the tips. At least YOU found a positive, while the trolls find nothing but negatives.

The way her hips are positioned.

It looks like she's about to take a giant shit, and it's going to get everywhere. The breasts are abnormally shaped and totally out of proportion. Don't fucking get me started on that face.

Oh boy another Hiryugouki masterpiece!

I can't wait to review this pathetic piece of shit, but first I'll tear apart that list you left on my user page.

Hiryugouki wrote:

"About the censorship: They're trying to broaden their audience, and yes, while artistic nudes and things like that are allowed, no pornographic material is allowed. DeviantART is more awesome than Newgrounds for several reasons:
1) Colleges sometimes go there, and see potential students to recruit.
2) The community is friendlier and more open to criticism.
3) The art quality is more diverse than on Newgrounds.
4) They still allow flash movies and flash games.
5) There are not as many flamers.
6) It's open to all skill levels, ages, etc.
7) Newgrounds IS full of flamers, trolls, etc.
Overall, DA beats Newgrounds by a ton. So, suck on that for a while and come back to me with how Newgrounds could POTENTIALLY beat DA."

1). What the fuck you spouting boy? Colleges don't matter only pretentious cads think an education in art is required to be a good artist. You know what is important to good artists?

Jobs, "nitrome", "fox entertainment", as well as other serious companies have scouted and hired people from newgrounds to work on their projects, why the fuck do you think cartoon network pays someone to run a newgrounds account?

2). That's a fucking joke especially coming from you, since you deleted all the criticism you received on your deviant art page, and deleted the comment I left on your user page like a flaming faggot.

3). Again what the hell are you talking about? Newgrounds has very limited censorship so artist idea's are able to be expressed more freely, as well as an audio portal.

Not to mention the upcoming literature, video portal, and unity support, so we have way more artistic mediums covered than deviantart.

4). ? moot point.

5). The community deletes all criticism, so that too is a moot point, since constructive criticism and non constructive criticism are both deleted in tandem regardless of merit by some asshurt queers.

6). Newgrounds is open to all skill levels too, we just have a judgment system to filter out shit that noone wants to see (obviously it doesn't work very well since your here).

Regarding age restrictions, while newgounds does have restrictions on how old you need to be to participate in the community (which is a minimum age of 13). Deviant art is worse on this front, in fact here is the text verbatim from Deviantarts "terms of service":

"Section II: Additional Terms

13. Registration
To register as a member of the Service or purchase products, you must be 18 years or lawfully permitted to enter into and form contracts under applicable law. In no event may minors submit Content to the Service."

You fucking retard.

7). Or it could be Deviantart is full of people who can't take criticism?

Anyway I'm gonna review that god awful abomination you drew above now.

The proportions are wrong, the pose is lame, I have no idea what's going with the background. Furthermore you claim to have wanted to create a narcissistic character so you would have "freedom with their expressions", then why does she have the same fucking spastic expression you give to each one of your characters?

I fail to see how this is a departure from the rest of that weeboo anime shit you've put up here.

Whatever don't worry I wont review your shit anymore, it's not doing you any good, and it's obvious you would prefer a circle jerk from other "ass to mouth" butt pirates.

I voted this piece fairly, I gave it a 3 despite you're arrogance, audacity, and ego.
If I were to allow your personality to influence your score, I would have given this a zero, and transcended the laws of space and time to travel through my computer screen to yours in order to give you a good hard backhand slap.

Good god I hope you aren't really twenty, if you are get off the basement computer cause you owe your mom rent money...

With love :)
~ Celx

DragonPunch responds:

Yes, I realize I am an arrogant pig sometimes, and thanks for your review. Still, I'm not posting anymore art here for a while. I'm taking a break...