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Reviews for "sonic and other madness 3"

I dont really like it much

pictures suck i dont care if u drew them urself they fucking suck ass big should be fat not so damn skinny i mean he is about as thick on the side view as a piece of paper when he should be super fucking fat damn it i dont like it its to long im still watching it i mean this is getting dumber and dumber i mean sonic heroes is lame but hell no dude this is lamer

RogerregoRRoger responds:

you give awfully high grades for someone who didnt like it..
I didnt draw Big to fat becasue then its extreme hard to animate him to move and he would fill up the whole screen and i wouldnt have space left for the other characters..

Keep working on it.

This wasn't a very bad job. I've read from the responses that you are making an effort to continue your artistry and improving with flash as you go along. Judging from the art styles and drawings you definitely have some potential to progress.
The story wasn't bad, just a little rushed and choppy. The parodies were excellent and you get enough of the point across. Not a bad submission. Maybe one day you'll come back to this flash, revamp it and earn a place in the top 50. I'm looking forward to what you are planning to do. Keep up the hard work. I definitely did not hate watching this flash.

RogerregoRRoger responds:

Unlike sonic team themselves, i hate to work on old flashmovies again(well, im not aware that sonic team made flashmovies, but they sure love to port their old games all the time)..Its not fun and mostly barely worth the trouble, and cheap..In the time i revamped this flash i could have made a complete new one..yes i am impatient, one of my biggest flaws.. Still, where i finished one Imp episode in a week first, it takes me 3 weeks now, so im taking slightly more time for every flashmovie i make.. As i said before then, beter details, more frame to frame animation, less blurry backgrounds..But first i gotta finish my old movies, still waiting for the voiceactors..*tapping feet*
thanks for your support!


Art was better than the last one... And it was pretty damn funny. Anyway... Keep up the good work. But... Make 'em shorter... But other than that it was good. (Art could still use a little work.) *Fade*

RogerregoRRoger responds:

Yes i am working on the art, dont worrie about that mate..But making movies shorter?Ironicly, i am working towards the point that i am advanced enough to make a 90 minute big movie, which i have to upload in pieces of 5-10 minutes on newgrounds o course, otherwise it wouldnt fit..

"Destroy everything for no reason" - Omega

I loved the movie. Even though I enjoyed the game, the story was defidently the most vulnerable yet. The voices were perfect as well. I can't wait for your next spoof.

But to all those who hate Sonic, or think Sonic Heroes is crap. Eat my arse! You have your opinion, and I have mine. And my opinion is you guys suck. (~Gives finger to all those wannabee oldie fans~)

What game do you plan on spoofing next? Sonic Battle had a good story, but is easy to make fun of as well as Heroes, and Sonic Advance 3... Hmm... XD

~ Remember, Sonic rules... And so does Ristar!


(PS: You should've put a reference to the original Chaotix game for the 32X so people wouldn't think they're new characters)

RogerregoRRoger responds:

yeah Ristar was a fun game, to bad there are no more games coming out for our starry hero..
Next spoof isnĀ“t based on a sonic game
(couldnt think of many jokes for sonic battle, except that they keep fighting each other without reason, but i already did that in heroes, and sonic adavne 3..Doesnt have much for a storyline no?
the sequel is a direct sequel to sonic and otehr madness 3, sonic married with amy, shadow still doeswnt know his past and chaotix(alive) getting a new mission, its gonna be a harry potter, lord of the rings, star wars and saving priavte ryan spoof.Here is a preview:http://www.deviantart.com/view/7817686/


i hate wen somebody uses the word madness and it isnt the madness but something else. but this grapich shit was little funny