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Reviews for "Noobie FAQ"

Much improved from the last version, BCC!

I was happy to see that you slapped the NG tank behind the menu buttons... that definitely looks a lot better than the plain background that was there in the last version.

Also, I'm glad you took my advice about getting the whole list of b/p ranks to fit onto one screen. You then even added a buncha pages about the rank badge icons themselves and how "elite" each grouping is...

there's one major major problem right there, though: after you click the forward arrow from the Police ranks and you end up in the EG Private/Sergeant ranks... the NEXT forward arrow to go on to Praporshchik and above is broken. IOW, pressing it doesn't do anything at all. You can highlight it with tab, but there's no effect from hitting enter OR from clicking it with the mouse cursor. I right clicked on it and hit "forward" and it moved to the officer ranks (BTW, officer ranks is what most people I know call them, not "gold ranks").

Once I used the right click menu to get forward, though, clicking on the forward arrow took me back to the Pirvate/Sergeant ranks again. So... to get all the way to the General ranks (Again, more people call them the General ranks than "leaf ranks," though those are indeed leafy laurel wreaths around the badges)... I had to use the right click menu AGAIN to move forward.

Aside from that, the only REALLY major problem is that both forward arrows at the bottom of the whistle page lead to the same thing (the rules for whistling movies)... I can't find a way to get to the "see all the whistle levels" page.

And lastly, there's one more thing. You spent a lot of time telling people how b/p ranks can help their VP... but I never once saw you say that the MAIN method of gaining VP is just getting more exp. Not on the levels section OR the VP section do you mention that higher level/exp = more VP. The only place there's even a hint is when you give Newgrundling's VP equation and it factors in your exp and the level 30 user's exp. But then you say that the "increase in voting power per day" is a very low number (BTW, it's not 0.004 for everyone, it depends on what their b/p rank is and thus what bonus % they have... and on how much exp they have to begin with, of course... the higher b/p rank, the more VP gained per day... but the higher the exp amount (the closer to Humantarget), the lower the VP gained per day).

so in short on that one, I'd recommend having a list like this or something:

exp level 1: 1.00 to 1.40 base VP
exp level 2: 1.50 to 1.90 base VP
exp level 3: 2.00 to 2.40 base VP
exp level 4: 2.50 to 2.90 base VP
etc. etc.

or to say "if you have 70 exp, your base VP (just from experience) will be 1.70... if you have 400 exp, your base VP will be 5.00... but after that, you're in level 9, and your VP (and level) are determined by the level 30 user's experience amount.

Or something like that. Just make sure the link between voting on movies/depositing experience/gaining VP is stated clearly, possibly with examples like the ones I just gave. Great job, though, in improving upon your former versions, and I hope you either correct the major errors in this one and replace it... or make a new version 2.0 one in the future, perhaps with even more features. Good luck!

bumcheekcity responds:

I have fixed the error with the B/P Badges, and they're working fine now. That was a big thing to miss :$

I've put in the info about the VP, and credited you for it.

The arrows at the 'Whistle' bit have been fixed... Can't BELIEVE I missed that...

Thanks gfox!


im glad it didn't get blammed this time cuz this is actualy pretty useful

bumcheekcity responds:

Thanks. Well, the improved Graphics really tipped it over the edge, I reckon.

I enjoyed it....

but unfortunatly i don't think many n00bs will read it before they start blamming and posting in the forums. If they did it would help out the n00b population a lot but it seems kinda like a lost cause. Oh well, hopfully some n00bs will stumble across and it will help them out.

Anyways, nice work.

bumcheekcity responds:

Even if one person gains info from it, ti's a good thing. At least when n00bs ask stupid questions, we'll just be able to send them the link to the .swf.


this really helped alot thanks duuuuuuuuuuuude.

bumcheekcity responds:

Glad to be of help to you.

I don't remember this but it's actually a good day and pretty nifty a lot of boobies have passed through here over the years lol anyways nice faq
