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Reviews for "The Matrix Reinstall"

very good

I really enjoyed this one, it was very funny, ahaha

Very funny, but an average presentation.

Very funny. Great jokes were written, this was a LOT funnier than "The Matrix Has You". But... the presentation was off.

The lip sync was horrible. It was like one of those Japanese animes that are badly translated.

The photo backgrounds looked good but were too pixelated at times. The sound recording was bad too.

The way you philosophized about the Matrix was really good. Relating it to the Judeo-Christian faith was very logical, I had thought about that too.

Anyway, nevermind that. It was a good movie, you just needed to work a bit more on the presentation. It also kind've losed the funny at the end and focused too much on the philosphization and became long-winded.

Nonetheless, good effort!

Pretty good, a little boring

It was pretty good, mostly funny, a few parts a bit dry. I liked the comment at the end...made good sense to me hahaha.

By the way, you spelled "Trinity" "Trinty"...

FoGiMoS responds:

note to self, fire the proofreading crew... wait a sec...

*checks credits*

Dangit, you just got me fired!

Well, pretty good,

Hm that was pretty good, but the scenes are kinda long, instead of fading out and fading back, maybe a simple frame goto would have been better... and also, they should start talkin right away, not waiting after the fade in, then talk... well, exept for that, good job...

and btw add bgm, that's allways good :)

It was a good spoof, a few faults...

First I'd like to say good job and it was really funny, but there were three big problems. Problem one: the acting was less than stellar. Problem two: the lip synching was way off and loading time usually isn't a factor anymore since most people have broadband. Third problem: although the whole biblical sybolism thing, while interesting, is inacurate. The Matrix is not symbolic of Jesus's journey, but Socrates's. For more details read The Matrix and Philosiphy. I don't know who wrote it. Overall though, you did a good job and this was an entertaining movie.