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Reviews for "NGTTVII Group B"


that one by Livecorpse was awful...and the fact that it really IS people who does such things...it's hateful, Livecorpse, that was a sucky joke...

that sucks

i really hated the one by Livecorpse.... I liked the one by Luis though.... The one by Livecorpse SUCKED!

Pretty good.

Letting a dog eat his own intestine.... Lol.
Nice work dude.

Best things last

...and thank god for that. What unifies all the movies in the submission is a lack of meaning. While one of the movies blatantly commits itself to this theme (Joe Outterside), two of the submissions (Squeezy and Livecorpse) try to hide their meaningless character by indulging in violent pseudo-narratives which turn out numb, and in the case of Livecorpse, outright disgusting and of unequalled stupidity. Other reviewers have drawn attention to the peculiar character of that submission, so dignifying it with further commentary would be clearly inappropriate. Having somewhat recovered from the crappy character of the first two featured movies after watching Joe Outterside's submission, Foxcato luckily steps up to save the day - surprising, friendly, positive, everyday, naive and refreshingly random are all attributes that apply to this movie. A unique drawing style and a catchy melody line let one wish that this submission would last just a little longer, and maybe draw together what seems to be an emerging plot in the middle of all randomness. I am not quite sure whether the current ending would allow for this to be developed into a series, but it might be worth a try experimenting with these characters just a little more. I'd love to see some more of this.

On grounds of what has been stated above, the following grades are awarded to submission four (Foxcato) alone:

Og lige et par linier paa dansk til at slutte af med (til Foxcato): rigtig flot animation, bare trist, at du havnede i samme gruppe som de mindre talentfulde kunstnere. Det kunne vaere spaendende at se, om du maaske kunne videreudvikle det visuelle materiale du har her til noget stoerre. Under alle omstaendigheder er dette et meget vellykket bidrag, og jeg synes, du formaar at skabe en fin stemning ved kombinationen af lydsporet med det naivistiske visuelle udtryk. Ser frem til nye animationer fra din haand.

hella better

definitly alot better than the first one, maybe im just more into violent stuff. eh well... oh yea and livecorpse... u need help... like alot of it.