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Reviews for "+Factory+"


WOW ! This is awesome.Probably the best thing I heard on Audio Portal since i registered on Newgrounds.It is really heavy .... i don't even know how to express my self at this one.I guess it is just a freaking combination of different styles it one totally heavy and just like the author told .. it is really aggressive and loud.

WritersBlock responds:



SICK! God damnit i love this. Going straight to me iPod now :D

WritersBlock responds:

iPod, what a technological advancement. I only have an iPod mini.


the first thing i thought when i heard this was "OKAY ANOTHER FOR DOWNLOAD"
anyways, its a really cool fast pace song, i can just picture mechanical things going back and forth in mass production

WritersBlock responds:

As well as destroying things, the factory makes liquid and solid music, like, so you can hold it in your hands. Cool, huh?


it's freaking over Nine-Thousand X awesome! it's like this sort of epic battle music from one of those epic films with armies of everything fighting each other epically

WritersBlock responds:



Bit of a change of pace from the work of yours that I'm used to listening to, but it's great. It's so fucking dynamic, you'd have to be an idiot to deny the mastery behind this piece. I loved how you just kept changing it up, always keeping the pace different; and that's what gripped me, that's what made me appreciate this. It's not exactly my style or taste (well, it is when I'm drinking and partying it up!), but who the hell am I to deny musical genius when it's staring me in the face?

I'm glad I'm taking the time to listen to your music. There's just some stuff you can't get from mainstream music. It's not really something anyone can put their finger on, but some music just loses that certain something when the artist makes it big. You're an excellent artist, don't let ANYTHING get in the way of you and your music. That would be a huge disappointment to any and all of your fans I'm sure.

WritersBlock responds:

Hey, wow. Thanks for the encouragement and support. I'm so glad to hear when my music is being appreciated like this. As always, I try to refine and improve on my music all the time, vary things up now and again, I'll try not to disappoint you in the future. ;D