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Reviews for "The Passion of the Christ"


a message to all the bible-thumpers who have commented previously: if it's so fucking evil, why did you even BOTHER even playing it? shouldn't you be in church right now or something, instead of bashing people on newgrounds? you people make me sick... i find it even funnier when people with a handle like "I_run_this_bitch" comment on the un-holiness of the game and its creator. anyways, i'll stop ranting for now. :P

automatic responds:

You tell 'em, karbunkl!

When I made this I honestly didn't have any idea that there were so many sensitive Christians on Newgrounds. I mean, considering the fact that NG is a haven for gory violence, pornographic material, and hateful movies and games I figured they'd steer clear. Guess I was wrong!

I mean, hell.. this site was founded on cartoons and games like Satanic Teletubbies smoking pot, grade-schoolers shooting each other, and people clubbing seals! Not to mention the bestiality (those old sheep-humping cartoons). These subjects are definitely against Christian beliefs.

And my game isn't even an attack on Christianity... it's a joke about Mel Gibson's movie, for God's sake! Some people are just way too uptight.


obviously the movie had no effect on you. people these days have no morals whats this earth coming to??? i can't believe i have an account to a site with people like this its sickening. have you ever even been to church in your life.
i doubt it.

automatic responds:

Grammar correction:

"Obviously the movie had no effect on you. People these days have no morals. Whats is this earth coming to? I can't believe I have an account to a site with people like this! It's sickening. Have you ever even been to church in your life? I doubt it."

Now that that's done, I'll respond to your review:

I was already well aware of the story of the betrayal and crucifiction of Jesus, so no... it was nothing new to me. As for the movie itself, I rather enjoyed it. I simply thought that all of the gratuitous violence was ridiculous.

And yes, people these days do have morals, including myself. Just because they don't necessarily align with your system of morals is no cause for alarm. My game may not be very politically correct, but understand that political correctness is not the basis of my belief system.

If you don't like Newgrounds, don't come back.

Yes, I have been to church. I was raised in a Christian family. I have since matured into my own ideas about the world and how to live in it. Making fun of a movie isn't contrary to my beliefs, and neither is making a game where you whip Jesus. After all, Mel Gibson made a movie where they whip Jesus for two hours straight. Which is more gory? Which is more alarming?

Get a grip on yourself, man.

I refuse to do this.

I don't think you should have made this game. I personally think it would be a sin to click. I would rather that this not appear under my name in St. Peter's book.

It's a shame that Jesus had to die for us. I don't think some of us deserve a second chance. I don't know what I did before, but I'm not going to blow this one.

automatic responds:

Belief in reincarnation is blasphemous to the Christian doctrine.

As told by Jesus: "I am the way, the truth, and the life; No man cometh unto the father, but by me."
- John 14:6

"...as it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment"
- Heb 9:27


First, I want to comment about what one of the previous reviewers had said. Of course, the people who don't believe Jesus was God, are not going to care how much he suffered. But the people who do believe he is God understand why it was so horrible for him to suffer like that. All of us humans were expelled from heaven because we have sinned, and so we deserve this suffering on earth. But God was perfect and never did anything wrong, so for him to come down to suffer on this earth, to open up a way for any of us to return back to heaven, well that's something done out of love. When we committed sin in heaven, God could've destroyed us all immediately, but he temporarily spared us sinners by giving us a chance on this earth to repent. So those who repent, will be saved, and those who don't repent, well they were fairly given a chance, and if they choose to blow their 2nd chance, it's their own loss. There's a lot of deep things in the Bible, which are very difficult to understand, including why we are sinners here on earth, and not in heaven, like the numerous angels who are still in heaven, who are waiting for their lost brothers/sisters to return. Now, about your flash. Well, it was basically a game where you whip Jesus. 2000 yrs ago, Jesus haters got a thrill out of torturing/killing Christ. Funny that 2000yrs later, today, Jesus haters would still get a thrill out of pretending to torture/whip Christ. It's just a game. Honestly, I find the whole whipping Jesus thing to be offensive, but here, there's freedom of speech, and you have every right to make a flash about whatever you choose to. Oh, and just because someone calls himself/herself a "christian" doesn't mean he/she is one. Jesus and the apostles kept God's commands, like Sabbath and Passover. True "christians" follow Christ and also keep Sabbath(on Saturday) and Passover(01/14 by the sacred calendar) even today. When you keep Sabbath/Passover, you understand the bible deeper. False christians followed the corrupt man-made traditions of pagans by keeping Sunday service and christmas (which only appeared in christianity after the apostles were long dead) and they also reject Sabbath & Passover because they refuse to follow Christ/God's commands. This was all part of God's plan, it's in the bible's prophesies. If you don't want to believe me, that's okay.

automatic responds:

Hmm... I thought humans were expelled from the Garden of Eden, which was a Terrestrial place (not a Heavenly one).

And as for hating Jesus, I don't hate Jesus (if that's what you were thinking...). I just don't believe that he was divine.

And as far as the game I made goes... it's more a joke on Mel Gibson's movie than anything else.

O man this is great

I love you. This brought me luaghing. haahha who would make a game like this. I wasent gonna watch it becuase of the name but then i saw your comments and was "o god this is gonna be awsome"!! hahahha make more dude you dont need to add anything else to it juss the fact that you made this rules!!

kid: Daddy Does God love little children?
Dad: yes.
kid: Is god white or black?
Dad: both.
kid: Is dad michael jackson?


automatic responds:

I love you too! *cries softly*