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Reviews for "Reasoner- Where Do We Turn"

man......you kick major ass with this stuff

For just "hammering out at the piano" that is one of the greatest piano tracks ive ever heard. VERY good job i hope to see more. maxed scores and dled as always

Yet another awe-inspiring piece. . .

As MusicCritic said, different people have different talents and methods of expression. I am a wordsmith at times and what I've written has, a few times, moved those I've allowed to read it. There is a difference between the skill with a pen, or a brush, or a camera and the skill you have.

To truly become immersed in what I do, or the drawings and paintings of my ex, the photographs of my friends and poetry of my father, one must actively engage themselves in taking part of it. Your music is in the background, but a full part of the listener at the same time. Your music requires no interaction or intent to modify perception or evoke great inspiration, it merely needs to be present. For this I consider you both blessed and a blessing.

You have your own exclusive playlist on my Winamp and, like so many have said on so many pages of your songs, I would pay for a CD of this. To share your music so freely is a beautiful gesture and I wish more great artists in the world did so. Thank you, for being who and where you are.


I see you're good at titles.

There's this piano piece I'm trying to submit, though I can't think of a good title for it! Agh. I'm thinking of submitting it today..I'm just going to have to think of something :)
So let me get on to the review. Thanks for PMing me on this, I'm happy to check out stuff :D
This is, again, very beautifully composed and played, perfect for movie score..or flash :P And I know what you mean when you say you were feeling inspired..I didn't realize what inspiration really was until a little while ago! I'd just make up stuff out of boredom, which explains why my earlier stuff wasn't as great.

Back to the song--> its soothing yet slightly down, maybe because of the title, or it's just me. I do think you could expand on this a little, though. But not too make it too complicated. It might lose its feel that way..
-Vesta J

Reasoner responds:

Some of the best music comes when you least expect it. Don't ever let it go when it comes to you or you might lose it forever. Thanks again friend for stopping by

Very nice mate :))

You've got some seriously good piano skillz man, I can't at all improvise with 2 hands so that's a big "wow" from my side..I can hear that it was a one take though cus it got a biit repetive but it's okay when it's live and impulsive..It's not perfect though so I won't give you 10 :P..But very nice indeed ;)..

Keep rockin' dah piano!

Reasoner responds:

Thanks for the review. It does get repetitive, but I posted it here anyways just because it was something that I don't get to do too often when I feel inspired. Thanks for listening.


Every song I've listen to created by you has been of exceptional quality. The only flaw see with this one is that it lacks the variety that your other pieces have.