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Reviews for "NG TimeTrial II group A"

Very Different

Just liked the whole concept of having 5 flashes in one. And each being mildly good on their own makes this flash something of a variable selection for everyone.

nice but..

i did one of these a while back, but i never submitted it to newgrounds....**sigh** oh well, i cant do it now, itll be considered stealing...



Your simplistic character design at the start was very cool. I thought the catepilliar looked great. The music really went with the movie. Awesome background graphics. I enjoyed the mix of bright colors and smooth and easy motions, very well done. 8/10


Nice music to open with. The movements were a little bit on the slow side, but they were ok. I was not really sure what the thing in the tree was, was it a fairy or something like that? The character design needs some work, but it was effective. 6.5/10


I like that you went with a different theme and setting than the previous authors. It had a sci-fi texture and was violent. The characters and ship looked great. The only problem I had was the lack of music until the end, and I think the voice could of been better. Great twist ending! 8/10


Wow, this was a very different type of flash compared to the others. A flash with drama and a sad ending. Nice work, as short as it was, it had me into it. The graphics need some work, but the plot more than made up for it. 7.5/10


Not sure why the erection was needed at the beginning, but it was your movie. I liked the idea of a short about the day in the life of someone. Some sound effects would of been nice. Nice little quick ending, reminds me of some movies I have seen before. 6.5/10

Under the time allotted, all the animations were good, and had solid themes. I love seeing what an author can really do after being told they only have a certain time. I would love to see a version by the authors of their animations. Maybe with more time, they could really spend time on details.


I only have one question

How could you cut both of your wrist?

Another good Time Trial

Having a theme to the entries certainly puts the Authors under more pressure to come up with a story to go with it as opposed to the original which was just ANY movie.

Sqeezy's Entry
I quite enjoyed this, even if it didn't make a lick of sense. The music was good, and there was some nice fluid animation to it. If there was a message to this, which I suspect there wasn't, then it must be hidden so well...

Justy's Entry

Definiotely the low point of the entry for me. Obviously with the Time Trial there is going to be people with varying degrees of Flash experience, and this seemed like someone who was very inexperienced. Very minimal animation, the graphics themselves were pretty basic and bad looking, and it seems he tried to convey a message, but it didn't come across so well.

s1nt3ch's Entry

Quite an enjoyable entry this, probably my favourite. The 3d modeling here looked pretty good, and it was a slightly different idea than the others for the set up, which barely works (no bed?). still, it looked great, and had a good punchline too it, even if it was somewhat telegraphed

Draxmillian's Entry

This was ok, the idea behind it was sound, but the delivery of it was quite heavy-handed, especially when you just plaster it up there at the end of it. Seemed like quite a stereotypically harsh prison environment, and the characters quick turn from someone who's just entered prison to murder-suicide seemed quite silly.

Numberclock's Entry

Now this was just quite silly wasn't it? It looked like it may have had an ok set up to start with, possibly about the monotony of day to day life, where everything stays the same, and the feeling of stagnation that goes with it. Then the stupid skating stuff happened. Terrible graphics at this point, and pretty bad animation too. Was slightly amused by the random guitarist for 96 Quite Bitter Things, then the random monkey just came in. It seems you didn't really have an idea for what to do for this, so you just threw everything at the wall, and waited to see what would stick.

All in all, a weaker entry than the original Time Trial, but with different artists, and having to work within a THEME as well as a deadline, this was to be expected.