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Reviews for "Fantastic Realm Chapter 1"

Very good job.

You need to work on the volume cause I had to pump the volume on my computer up quite a bit to hear them. I think this is the begining of a wonderful series keep up the good work.


It has lots of potential
(and to the last reviewer everything has to start somewher)

Nicely done.

This is a really well put together piece of work. I just have a few comments.

I know that you did the music yourself and that composition is pretty challenging, but your music could use a little work. It basically consists of the same few chords looped. You vary it once by arppeggiating them during one sequence, but that doesn't really change the harmonic elements there. Still though, for a first endeavor, good work!

The animation is really great. The style is pretty unique, and the motions are fluid and pretty realistic. The main characters are nicely rendered (especially the chicky and the captain).

My one major beef with your movie is the voice overs. I can't really tell if the characterizations are good, since the levels are waaay off. They're pretty quiet in contrast to the background music. Next time around, try to balance it a little better, or have a captioning option so we can understand what's going on.

Great work. I look forward to seeing more of it.

Realmguys responds:

Thanks senjuro! I couldn't get too crazy with the music because of file size constraints. (we had to keep it under 5 megs) If it were up to my I would have scored the whole thing. But alas... loops are what works best in flash.

Good, solid first episode

OK, so there are not any jokes, nor violence, nor interactivity. And the voice quality is utter CRAP, as you are often painfully reminded of! However, the music and graphics are probably the best on NG, which makes it bearable, if not outright enjoyable. Next time though guys, at least make the voice actors decent... Because they and the quality of speech were probably the worst I have ever hear. Watch it tough.

Not bad.

Graphics are good; really good. The movement is choppy however, taking alot away from the effect. The music, the themes are all classic, not really bad, though.

That's about it for this chapter.