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Reviews for "Still Alive 8bit cover"

It makes me...

sooo happy, I could sit here and have a cheeky wank to it all day ;P

Nice one Phir..;.,./

pheel responds:

Thanks very much babe ;)
I'll help you if you want
ahaaaa o_o

This is amazing.

The industrious noises and bass line really brought out the feeling this song is supposed to convey. This is definitely the way the song is heard in GlaDOS's Head.

P.s. What program did you use? Or Synth?

pheel responds:

You reviewed this on a much higher level than I would expect from someone on NewGrounds :) Kudos

I used Fruity Loops XXL with the triforce plugin for the majority of it but I used a Bell sound for the secondary main track which I think is a default sound on FL

Thanks for reviewing :)

I like it

A nice instrumental remix of the classical still alive song and not a bad one either unlike most remixes I listen to, But there is no point crying over every mistake.

By the way this cake is great...

pheel responds:

Thanks very much :)
It is tasty cake isn't it.


very accurate.

Thank you for uploading this for the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead, of course. :)
It is definitely hard to overstate my satisfaction with this wonderful rendition of this song.
And i'm just making a note here, HUGE success.

But jokes aside, very nice job. :)

pheel responds:

I can't even describe how much you just made me giggle :)

Aha Thanks very much :)


I love this song so much! Please do the portal 2 credits song "I just want you gone 5/5 10/10