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Reviews for "Pink Lemonade "15-puzzle""

Yay i did it

but your reward picture isnt that rewarding, its good artwork and all but it wasnt that great. well at least I learned how to beat thes stupid things :Pgood art anyways (you shoulda made her naked :P)


i gave 5s to all your artworks.
they all rule.

Word of advice.

Don't do this kind of puzzle on NyQuil. You'll look like an asshole, and think you're done when you're not even close. I'm living proof. The picture, though, was a nice prize. Gotta give you mad props, here.

owww my brain

for all you lazy people out there
i'll spoil it for you!
because i care

the reward pic: http://clickass.org/~radish/guest/kernpickle.jpg

wow i wrote a poem

touched responds:

Not anymore. URL changed. Come on, it's supposed to be a challenge.

Quite Good Actually.

I would like to point out that ALL OF THE POSSIBILITIES ARE SOLVABLE. Thats how all slode puzzles work. If all the tiles, minus one of course, are placed facing the same direction, in any order, it can be slid to make a picture. That being said. I loved it, although the reward pic I didn't like that much.