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Reviews for "-=Household Items-Act.1=-"


this was awsome overvoltavy u suck monkey balls this is awsome so ill poke u in the eye with a rusty ol' coat hanger

l0v-2-h8 responds:

Thank you for the support;)


This has already had a pass at portal. Added music does not make difference! F*CKER!

l0v-2-h8 responds:

hey dumbass. things were changed. and it made a big difference in the score. dont be such a prick and get off this establishment u waste of skin.

Not too bad

Humour was OK, tune was irritatingly catchy, and it was interesting enough for me to watch to the end. This definitely falls into that small category of "OK clock movies", which is why I voted to protect this. However, you forgot to mention that coathangers can also be used as a cheap and discreet method of emergency contraception (or chose to leave it out). This brought your mark down a bit, but overall, this was decent. Keep up the good work.

l0v-2-h8 responds:

haha... oh well thats a good idea. damn... u should give me some ideas more often. Thanx for the review.. ill try to get my ideas more humprous or somethingh. ahha


you do realise oyu can replace your old movie wiht your new one.... you just go to your grounds gold menu, click "your subitted movies" click the one oyu want to replace then swap the swf files....... and by the way.... where did oyu get the robotic voice thing?

Not bad

I liked the SUTF noood at the end, but the voice sounded kinda weird even for a clock. these wouldn't be bad if you got em funnier.
ps i still don't like clocks

l0v-2-h8 responds:

sounded weird for a clock? Its strawberries voice. whatever. Its a first, so i think they'll get better. thanx for the review tho.