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Reviews for "Ghost Motel 7"


Well, I have to admit, I am hooked. The series gets better with each episode. I love this kind of game. Maybe because they require a brain to play. Good puzzles. I only have a few complaints. The music should be optional because I really feel like shooting my ears off right now. Also, The voice acting is poor. I think it is getting a little better tho. I understand you are doing the best you can. When is the next episode coming out?

Violet-AIM responds:

I'm not sure when the next episode will be, we haven't started working on it yet. I think I'll be adding more variety into the music in the future (possibly from the audio portal). About the voice acting, I guess it's not the best cause it's just coming from average ppl (not professional voice actors), but I'm satisfied with it. Thanks for the review and for explaining your opinion about things. :)


This series is pretty good. The only problem I really have with it are the voices. Are they supposed to have no feeling? It just seems like not enough effort is put into the voices. I cant really say anything about the art because art is a matter of an artist's personal style and this happens to be yours. I have a question though, I was reading reviews and you stated that since they are in the spiritual world and have limitations while there. How did they get in the cell with tabitha then? If it was from that hole in the door.. which is the only way i could see them getting in, then why couldnt she just get out since she is no bigger than they are.I found it funny that someone, who shall remain nameless, but i'm sure youll know who im talking about, said this sucks. This persons work looks like it was done in 10 minutes by a 4 year old. I don't think he's in a place to critisize anyone.at least you put lots of effort into your series. anyways keep up the good work.

Violet-AIM responds:

In answer to your question, Joseph and Ray got in the cell with Tabitha by opening the door. Perhaps the door can be opened from the outside but not the inside. Maybe she tried to escape, but the guard threw her back in. Or maybe she knew Joseph was a good guy and would try to rescue her, so then she just let him come to rescue her, so that he could accomplish that goal and learn/grow from it. Remember how Joseph had failed a previous mission before and was sad about that. Doing this helped Joseph build a little more courage and believe in himself. Voices... well not much can be done with that, except that I will be having on new voice actors from time to time which should add more variety. I appreciate all the help I get from the voice actors and can't complain about their work. Yeah, I know who you're talking about. I don't have a problem with that person, just a little surprised to hear it from that person, is all. Thanks for the review mjnoir1 and for taking the time to write all that.

nice real nice...

Well i have to say that the previous review sumarized all i had to say but id like to say that the voices really werent at the same level as the whole animation...i liked it tho

Violet-AIM responds:

Glad you liked the movie. I didn't think the voices were bad, but that's just me, I guess. Not much can be done with that, except that we're probably going to get more new voice actors helping out in future episodes. Thanks for reviewing Black_wolf_wc.


i started this review while i was waiting for tat movie part to finish.... it finally did!! its really long and i almost didn't make it through... good overall but you should really speed up the scenes, americans are programmed to have ADD =)

Violet-AIM responds:

Thanks for the review Karmarile. Of all the previous 6 episodes, the 7th episode is the longest one. It's because there was a lot of story to tell and things that needed to happen here. It's all part of the long process that it takes for Joseph to become a demon hunter. Didn't want things to be too easy for Joseph. I think you'll enjoy the next episode (8th one), it'll be a playable game, instead of an interactive story. Maybe try watching one of the other episodes. I think the 1st one is quite short. :)

woah, awesome!

very good! once again, a very intersting, interactive movie/game.
lost of things to do, and lots of puzzles to solve.
As usual, the graphics, sound and animation have all been very good, with more good music from Violet-AIM.
During this episode, i really enjoyed the Demon Hunting Acadamy, there were heaps of really good lectures, and things to do.
so a very good plot for this episode, guys. well done!
overall score: 7/10

Violet-AIM responds:

Thanks again M-A-R-C-U-S for watching/playing all these ghost motels. In this episode, Joseph gets the lecture training and exam, when you see ep.8, he'll get his virtual reality training which will be a game to play. Anyways, we're glad you liked this episode! :)