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I liked it...

Because it was anti-gay clock, and anti- gay foamy.


My penis is wet with ranch dressing.

numbers responds:


You don't know how much that excites me ^__^


Im sick of seeing all you other flash artists saying foamy sucks, why do you? Is it because foamy is way better then your flashes? I think it is....

numbers responds:

I hate people like you who can't get over the fact that this was made last year, pretty much before you even signed up. And Foamy isn't better than my flashes, 'cause he's just a character.

You people and yourworshipping of animated characters.


In short, there's a reason why foamys videos get better reviews then yours.


Okay, you hate Foamy. YOu hate something. That's understanderable. But why are you making a Flash Video about it? The author is never going to see it, (Nor I think he'd give a shit whatever you think), people who read Foamy aren't going to stop. So what's the point. That's it, you gave over no point whatsoever. If you don't like something, don't read it ever again. So take your own advice. Stop being an obsessive little attention whore, who wants the world to think the exact same thing you do. Hypocrite. I don't like South Park, but I don't have to be a bitch and complain by puting crappy looking flash videos on Newsgrounds. I just don't watch South Park again.

You know, in the time you made this video, you could of done something people would of enjoyed. Like, i don't know, something funny.

its like the dude b4 me sed

u suk and although the foamy voice was good ot suked

P.S. and dont bite off of other ppls shyt thas mad disrespectful and i bet if he was 2 find out he would kik ur ass

dont make a good flash artist look bad

lil bich

numbers responds:

Just as you think you have an opinion to tell me what to do, I have an opinion. AND THAT OPINION IS TO PARODY ILLWILLPRESS'S WORK.

You DO know what a PARODY is, don't you? Oh wait, no you don't, you're just insulted by whoever makes fun of your cockmaster. Sorry.