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Reviews for "911 Tribute"

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Mad props to your tearjerky slideshow skillz, w00t.


oscar wilde once said: "Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious."

critical thought and radical dissent created this country; conformity did not.

the thing about 9/11 that pisses me off is how bush used this to go after saddam, but thats a different story. the subject is a little dated, and people are moving on. keep in mind that people all over the world die from things far worse than what happened, like starvation or war, and in far greater numbers. as for the movie (not the content), it sucked. anyone can make a slide show. the music was cheesy, the kid talking was a little emotional, but also disturbing. a dont applaud you for making this, as anyone could have done this. and showing victims probably without the families consent will just anger people more than... whatever youre trying to show. i hope you respond to this with whatever you might say.


what is the point of making yet ANOTHER crappy flash tribute, but people in this forum use this to debate about who is to be condemmed and who is the righteous, now that is silly, what makes anyone an expert about any religion especially one that is'nt theirs, heres to u bumfucking bastard DampeS8N, satanist asshole, your a devil worshipping spaz that has no place to talk on sensitive issues like sept 11."it is us or them" your not even part of the us or them discussion u fuck!


dudes ure all pretty much rong on this one. it was more than an earthquake because some one delibratly did it, so it was very sad. Earthquakes are an act of god, if u believe in that stuff. And one canadian soldier is a little less important than 3000. But the brits gotta a point too. Bush has blown this way out of proportion and used a tragedy to kill innocent people and start wars for his friends in Texas to make more money.(halliburton) also, he totally disregarded the intl. community. Personally, i think bush let 9-11 happen because his ratings were in the shitter. But it was a tragedy either way for the families of the victims. But its a little late for a sap tribute like that mannn.


unny how everyone gets really patriotic about something when it is the thing to do.....not too trendy to remember OKC, now is it? Where are all the OKC tributes? Oh wait a sec.....were you there? Oh yeah. Nobody is going to forget, and noone needs reminded, especially by a tacky ass, shittily oput together tribute with horrible music. Hey, next year when someone gets robbed and killed, I want you to remember them for 3 years....unless , you know, that's not counted as a tragedy....pseudo patriotism is shit.