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Reviews for "Anime Club Intro"

Anime Rules!

Like what karma said most people do like the guns death oblivon and so do i but anime rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone Flames Me They Die Lmfao
Viva La Resistance
Lucky bum having an anime club all people at my school probably couldn't turn on a computer

nice, cute, i like it.

That was ok. It was nice n' cute. good anime style drawings. Looks a bit cheap but good for an amature movie.

Btw, yes, i'm a nerd.. I got some of the refrences. hehe.. Spike vs. Vash. An Eva cosplayer, some karoke, an a flying SD Gundam in space. Nice touches all around. Plus.. you know.. you're pretty cute in anime form, too. <333

Basically, it's a good job. I just hope all the MORONS here at Newgrounds wern't too crude, filthy, or downright retarted towards you.

Seriously.. it's kind of a mistake to put this kind of thing up at Newgrounds, since the stupid people here only care about blood, sex and people getting shot. Oh, and the average Newgrounder hates anime. But anyway, to hell with those idiots, and this stupid site... I loved your movie.

(btw, you stupid people reading this can go ahead and start marking my review unhelpful becuase I spoke the truth about you all. ^_^ <333 Go ahead and flame me now. Not like I ever care what the newgrounds people think of my reviews and negitive comments about this place....)


Cry me? *wipes eyes* WOOT! 1 thing...u lucky bitch! I have to live in godforsaken england. I get a crud accent, chavs (only english will know what they are or buy a NEW dictionary) and no anime!!!
I have only been intoduced to anime by my friends and now i can draw it! I always like anime and me like ur animation! EVA ROCKS!

(If my score is considered low its just me :P)


its ok i guess, song was hot tho


HA FUNNNY you are like soooo funny dude or dudette. IT had no real meaning but still hahaha I give it a 6 its way better then any of my creations (in the making lol) you are a good guy in my book