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Reviews for "Strategy Guide Ep. 3"


good movie, pretty funny and not bad graphics either


this is fucking genius!Make more!

Good, as are all the Srategy Guides

However, Nadia voice kinda sounded weird, like static or something.
Also, I noticed in the begining, with the three screens, a screenshot of Ninja Gaiden. That was a cool game, maybe, you could make a Strategy Guide for it.

Needle responds:

Ninja Gaiden is near the top of my to-do list. Sorry about any audio anomalies, I'm still working on perfecting the fine art of recording and compression. Hoping to have that fixed by the release of episode 4.


Well, sorry to say it, but Bubble Bobble was the first NES game I ever owned, along with 1943, and I really like it. But, level 57 was fucking easy, as was the rest of the game. The only complaint I have about this cartoon, and it is only small, is that in the first scene where they play the game, they are holding the controllers upside down. Other than that, it was really good.

Needle responds:

Very perceptive... I was hoping no one would notice the controllers were upside down, but it's slipped by a few eagle eyes. This occured because the characters are on opposite sides of the screen, and the arms & controllers are mirrored. I could have switched the buttons around but I got lazy :)

Man, you fucking own

Dude, you're really good, the animation is smooth as hell, the voices are just perfect, and fit each character perfectly, and this series just gets funnier with every single episode. I really congratulate you, keep up the good work... Rage gave you a 10 in sound, and the moron chasing Jorge the cow the bloody 10 in violence ;) Damn good, man

Needle responds:

Thanks for the compliments! The "moron" is Jose, one of Guido's many brothers. He's a bit off the deep end, but you've probably already figured that out by now...