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Reviews for "Phones - Episode 2"

w00T1! tiHS pWNaR!!!!!1

Seriously dude, this is one of the best things I've seen on NG in a while. I'm going to say right now that I believe "phones" will become one of the more respected series on NG, and will get an episode on the front page within a month. Top quality flash man, keep 'em coming!

Kid-Eternity responds:

That's some high praise! Thanks!


I really enjoyed this movie. It's laughing at the true stuff. It rules. One question though, did you make the characters from the South Park Create-a-Character on the comedy central site?

-Psycho 0_o

Kid-Eternity responds:

Yes and no. I used the Create-a-Character to help work out what I wanted people to look like, but I had to recreate all the graphics myself... a damn pain. I wish there was a library of importable graphics like these for Flash, it would save a LOT of time!

By the way, they only look the way they do 'cause I can't draw worth crap. :)

hahaha great!

I loved this!! I especially like the "meow" bit. Go Super Troopers! Keep it up man, this is some really great shizzit!

Kid-Eternity responds:

So that's where "meow" came from! I just knew about it because it was something we used to do when we were feeling burned out. I knew a guy who was really good at the "muffin" trick too.


Nice flash.

Kid-Eternity responds:

Thanks Jeeebus. Good job on the universe.

That cartoon is the shit!

I like your series and you are damn good for being a flash newbie. I like the south park style characters. If you hate your job so much, then why don't you quit. Living as a starving artist is a lot better than working in a hell hole job. I would know. I am adding you to my favs list. Peace, Chelly Belly

Kid-Eternity responds:

Thanks! You know, if it was up to me I'd live in a cardboard box with an extension cord and a laptop, but I don't know how into that my wife would be. My kid would probably love it tho...

Thanks for adding me to your favs list. I'm working on the third one right now, should be out within the next few weeks.