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Reviews for "Flashforbeginners:sprites"

it was ok

but didnt help me very much. keep tryin tho!

your not very good with flash yet

for thing never break apart them, go to modify>trace bitmap and put the setting 1 15 many corners


Dude... If they make a top 30 of populair flash arists on ng i will surely be in it... so dont say im not good with flash (like you should say I am bad... YOu only have one movie that socred 2.32... my batting averadge already is 3.52....)
And btw. You can ask all good sprite animators. They dont use trace bitmap. You just have to search for a sprite sheet that is saved a png (then you dont have a white background)
If you use trace bitmap, the sprites will go and look a bit like vectors. And they will have a few white dots in them. So.. SCREW YOU! I RULE AT FLASH! YOU DONT! HAIL TO THE KING IF FLASH!!!

Great Tutorial, but....

I've selected a Mario sheet and I did everything you said, but when I tried pressing control B, it didn't separate at all. Could you help me out? Maybe you could IM me on AOL.


Ok... I want ot help you... but how can i IM you if i dont know you AIM screen name? Please IM me then.

A lot of help.

I managed to make mario walk across the screen but i don't know how to put a background in without it being selected when im tryin to select mario.HELP!


YOu have to make the background on a layer below the mario layer. And if you dont want to make the background sleectable just lock the layer (you see the picture of a lock in the timeline? well. you can lock a layer by clicking on the dot under the lock)
hope it helps. If it doesnt goto my _ULTIMATE TUTORIAL) there everything is explained one more time


That really did help me but i have a question.

Howcome whenever I try to play a movie that has two buttons on their own individual scene it just flashes the first frames of the two?

Please answer back


I dont really understand your quesiton... So please try to contact me on AIM or MSN. I will help you there.
AIM: Gamecubicleflash
MSN: Kipsalade88@Hotmail.com

Thanks for the 10!