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Reviews for "Solo Spy Ep. 1"

Not good ..

Please no more stick figures ..

Suggestion, don't draw faces on the stick figures, leave them blank. Think it looks even worse with a face drawn on them.

Good use of animation.

Excellent use of Squaresoft's music, but most of their music is excellent. :)


azrag responds:

well Im gonna make an episode 2 yes this was to short. If a lot of viewers dont want a face on the charactor I may be able to change that. This may just be a three episode series I really dont know. Not much of a series but also I think I should add less background music I think that might be helpful on my movies anyway thanks for suggestions and if you would like to contact me my email is azrag_azrag@yahoo.com we can discuss some stuff over the messenger. Thanks for the review.

Needs better Art

The sound was good. The story was interesting. Focus on the artwork more and you will have a good movie. As it stands now, it....sorta....how can I put this...sucks

azrag responds:

True better background art is needed yes but when you look at all the other movies out there some of the backgrounds are worse than this. But it never hurts to inprove on my skills. Ill make better backgrounds for you guys next time anyway thanks for the review. and the next episode will explain alot more about his past. Maybe I havent started working on it yet.

Hoo boy

I'd only have to sympathize since you probably did it frame-by-frame but DUDE the graphics totally bite!!!

Final Fantasy music owns.


Frame by frame, original, but yeeuch the rest of it was bad.

Lol he kicked him and he flew off the screen. Why not use his jagged, corroded, crooked, dull, etc etc, sword? Hehe


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....OKAY! So one can dream, can't he?

How the HELL did this get through?

I'm not going to be abusive, but this well and truly sucks. You need to develop your characters, into people rather than sticks. You either make good stick films or crap ones. If you improve the overall quality of the film then you may have a good concept of a film.

azrag responds:

Maybe I do need to develop my charactors this is just a mini series I made and I will try to make the next episode better but the guy must remain as a stick because well in episode 1 hes a stick and if he looked like a regular guy then people be all what the $@%* he isnt a stick. But I can always inprove on the background yes thats always good.

Wasting my life

Don't.Ever.Make.Another.Movie you are worse the the Robot Rangers.