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Reviews for "In One Last Glance"


Nice, as I've said before, a musician should always play from their heart and you do that. Who cares if it aint perfect... Its PERFECT! And doesn't need any changes. Simple as that.


I thoroughly enjoyed your piece. Feeling music as it flows from your heart, then giving it wings by expressing it in song is one of the best ways to relieve stress.
You benefit so greatly from it, but then when you share it with others as you have, then it takes on added meaning. Thank you for this beautiful song from your heart.

The things your music can do...

I sit here and listen to this song for the first time... reading the title, your description... and the comments posted before me... I can't help but break down and cry harder than I have in such a long time. Thinking of my life in the past, I realize the many things I only ever had a glance at... and never returned to it. The regret I feel can be near overwhelming at times, and yet I also think of the many things I get a glimpse of... and hope for the future. Finding the person I am meant to spend the rest of my life with, taking a day off and going fishing with my closest friends, for nothing else other than the simple fact that I CAN do that with people I care about and love spending time with.

I think of recently lost loved ones (My deepest condolences Raven I know your pain, just had a death in the family recently myself) and feeling that guilt and regret for not spending more time with them. I think of those I have broken ties with, and how I will most likely regret those severences later in life.

Normally when I review a song I compare it to a video game, what genre it would fit in, what area of the game it would best fit, any semblence to music already in a game... I can't do that here, not with your music. It's too pure, too emotional. It was never made for the purpose of profit. It is so clearly your soul poured out onto the keys, your raw emotions that make me feel truly blessed. I'd give so much for your ability to bare your soul in such an expressive way, and to affect so many others by doing it.

I would love it if you did more of this impromptu work. If you have a bad day, a good day, another day on the grind, a tragedy, a miracle, a revelation (not that I would wish things like tragedies on you) but when it's unplanned it is nothing but pure emotion, and that says SO much more than words or written notes ever can.

After reading some of these reviews, and your description of the song, and hearing the song itself, I do truly feel blessed, and refreshed in a way... I feel so petty for feelings of anger that I have for certain others at the moment, and am going to try to put it behind me.

Thank you for making something that can have this kind of affect on some random person like me, you truly are the best of your generation.



This music is so soothing.. I can listen to this over and over again

its beatiful