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Reviews for "Shades of Green"


I love this... Its like techno but its enough not like techno to not give me a head ache and just make me want to tap my foot...

Downloaded.... Has good flash possibility (I'll keep it in mind next time I make a flash)

NemesisTheory responds:

Haha, good to hear that. It's always good to have found a healthy mix of both, wouldn't you agree?

And cool, let me know if it ends up being used! :p

Calming and Relaxing - "Shades of Green" alright

Wow, that was pretty quick, your work's always such high quality
and this one's among my favourites I think - the interval around the 2:00 mark reminds me asmodeus' track from FU2 and the last fade in at around 4:30 also reminds me older tracks of yours
I really liked the background in this one, especially during the second half

feels like your walking though a trainquil field of green, really nice, very calming

once again, I'll say its one of your best songs so far, and one of my favourites too, incredible work NT

-Sinister Aura-

NemesisTheory responds:

Aaww, thanks :D

And yeah, the peaceful intervals seem to be a recurring pattern for me in some of my songs. I really love to do emotional bits in music. I'll try making a fully emotional/slow song next, but I'm not sure how that'll turn out. It may be repetitive etc, but we'll have to see about that then.

Regardless, I'm happy you dug the song, Sin! :D

Another classy one, m'boy!

Keep putting out songs like this and you're going to give me carpal tunnel! Review away, without further delay! (Haw, I made a rhyme. I'm so clever ^.^)

Intro (0:00-0:14) - This is nice and slow, kind of ambient, but it lets you know something is coming. Pretty short, as opposed to some other intros and opening builds, so that gets you some points for getting right to the action!

Build 1 (0:14-0:29) - This is another nice, short segment that really gets right to the action-y part. I like it because not only does it blend the instrumental additions well into the original track from the intro, but it's also short, sweet, and to the point, something most build-ups tend to take waaaaaaaaaay too far out of context (you know that ONE song you have with a buildup that's like 30-40% of the entire song, and you have to fast forward through it every time it comes on, and then the second half of the song is great, but you wish the rest of it was that good... yeah).

Body 1 (0:29-0:58) - This is, surprisingly, another very short segment, even though it's the song's main theme. I like this rapid switching between segmentation, it helps keep the song fresh and, well, summer-like. Not too lazy, but not too quick, either. The fact that it's trance really helps that feeling. Swapping between segments keeps it fast paced, but the song itself feels really lethargic and relaxed, if you know what I mean. Gives it a good feel.

Body Reprieve 1 (0:58-1:28) - A quick dip into a sub-melody and/or harmony here, once again, helps keep the song fresh while retaining a classic trance feel in terms of being relaxed. Perfect placement, very good execution.

Body 2 (1:28-1:57) - Well, it's a continuation of body one. Once again short, quick, to the point. No additional comments.

Body Reprieve 2 (1:58-2:30) - Basically more of Body Reprieve 1, nice subtle harmony/secondary melody. Gives it the chill back.

Build 2 (2:30-2:59) - Now this is interesting, it gives the song at its halfway point a nice little kick in a different direction, throwing in what sounds to be a new synth as it rebuilds to the main theme once more. Once again, perfect placement, good execution.

Theme Reprise (2:59-3:14) - A quick visitation back to the main theme, ends really quick (fifteen seconds?! :O) This is still keeping the song fresh to listen to, despite the repetition, simply because it swaps around so frequently. This technique could be used more extensively in the future :D

Body Reprieve 3 (3:15-3:43) - Another quick burst of melody? This is madness! (NO, THIS IS SHADES OF GREEEEEEEN!!!!) Well done again in terms of timing and blending.

Build-Body Slur (3:43-4:27) - This build turns into a body so effortlessly I had to combine the two. That new synth you added in really gives the song something special here, and I feel it really works. Like the rest of this song it is a short segment, but it still accomplishes its job and sounds good doing it.

Outro (4:27-End) - Some strange hybrid of the body theme and the body reprive theme, it really feels like the end to something, credits music, as it were. Gives it a sense of finality and sad depart after such a song with the pacing and combination of notes.

While it certainly isn't going to be my favorite thing to listen to in my off time, this song is perfectly and masterfully put together. The pieces flow without interruption, the notes are melodic and harmonic both, and best of all, it's a trance piece that doesn't feel boring and repetetive. For this extreme attention to detail and taloring of the song in every way I award a very rare 10 out of 10, 5 out of 5, and download to my music folder. While it does retain your signature sound, this song is so masterfully put together that, while the mastering itself isn't professional grade, the way the song fits the pieces together certainly is. I expect more of this in the future. (And only 123 characters left with no filler :D!)

NemesisTheory responds:

Another quality review of you! You ever think of going into a carreer as a reviewer? I think you'd do it pretty well. You seem to nail down the aspects of reviewing a product pretty literally (you RE-view the entire thing) and do that really well.

All in all though, I'm really happy you liked the song! :)

Thanks for the scores 'n download! :D

And ofcourse you can expect more. :D

A great song to end finals week :D

What?! I see a new song before me?!
I can definitely get some imagery going with this song, especially since it's trance I always get those scenes where it's the sacred, tranquil forests that always put your mind at ease. (especially the break from 2:00-2:30). Good Job :D

NemesisTheory responds:

Trance really breaks out those scenes, don't they? I think I said this somewhere before (deja vu) but the genre Trance really was named well as it does put you into a trance-like state. That's why events such as Sensation in this country are so awesome.

Anyway, I'm really glad you liked the song! :D

Ah...The sound of summer...

Good stuff! Exceptional technoish-trance, I really am a fan of your work now. I especially love the upbeat-ness (if thats a word) of this song, makes me want to dance, and I have two left feet!


NemesisTheory responds:

Glad to hear you liked it! :D
Thanks for the scores, and I'm not much of a dancer myself btw. :p