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Reviews for "MegamanXRage (pt1)"

A very good movie... well, with mistakes.

You probably know about the following but here's some stuff that's wrong with it:

1) Most of the time you resize the sprites incorrectly, causing it to look distorted. This can be because of the mix of 16-bit and 32-bit sprites (like Protoman from Power Battle... the arcade uses resized sprites).

2) You continuously switch between the 16-bit X and the 32-bit X with one of the suits. To most, they don't care. But I'm a spriter, dammit. And it looks wrong.

3) Do I really need to explain why X is not supposed to be in the original MM seris?

4) Human sacrifice? Roll isn't human.

5) Neo suit?! Obviously that's a ripoff of Rockman NEO (if you find out about the fan game-to-be's storyline, you'll find out)...

Otherwise, this is an impressive movie. I'll be expecting to watch Part 2 soon!

Sureal-Inc responds:

First off, the swich between the suits is a part of the neo suits capabilities!
Also, (just in case you didn't know) NEO means NEW! I'm not tryina rip off anything! The story's original and so
are the Ideas! Human Sacrifice is a
term, just like kidnapped, so it can be used the way I used it in the text!
Thanks for your review!


oo veri good that song in the end was from the gorillaz (0_O)

Sureal-Inc responds:

Gorillaz Rock!!!


pretty good, not the best sprite movies ive seen, but still good. congrats!

pretty cool, but confusing

it was pretty cool, but there are a couple errors, no offence. First, with the subtitles all the same color, I couldn't tell who was saying what line, second, why did he go on a rampage?

Sureal-Inc responds:

Sorry bout the subs and the story is explained in the special features!


bad spelling! I almost expected a "all you base are belong to us" or "what you say?" from this
the animation was pretty decent tho...

Sureal-Inc responds:

I like your choice in music...very comercial...as a critic of flash however, I'd say you're review was about as useless as an asshole on an elbow! Thanks for telling me you can read...I sure hope it comes in handy while you read this response~