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Reviews for "SpaceMonkeyMafia Ep1 p2/2"

Nice, well done, funny

How nicely well done and funny thing to experience. I enjoyed it like I wanna see a next episode. come on wit it. Can't wait.


SpaceMonkeyMafia responds:

Don't worry. I'll make more! Maybe you'l see something up here a bit sooner than expected? :)

Thanks for the kind review and stay tuned for more Space Monkey toons!


you are among the rare breed of those who make good stuff!
your time was well invested!

SpaceMonkeyMafia responds:

Thank you. That really means a lot!

Thanks for the kind review and stay tuned for more Space Monkey toons!

i have mixed feelings on this

overall its not entirely crappy. the plot is pretty good, and the graphics are a lot better than some of the other crap ive seen, and it kept me busy for a while, but it really wasnt that funny. its pretty much just a star trek spoof with a lot of old school cartoon humor

SpaceMonkeyMafia responds:

What? Not funny? No, that's a matter of opinion, son.

A Star Trek spoof? Well, I guess I could see that, but it wasn't my intention to make the series one big spoof on them. Just one or two jokes once in while.
And there were only 2 old school cartoon jokes, really. (If I'm taking that statement correctly.)

I know everyone has a different sense of humor and taste--and i'm sorry if i'm being so defensive, but if you've ever wrote a script or designed some characters or made a flash cartoon, you'd understand.


I thought it was crap and boring personally.

SpaceMonkeyMafia responds:

Good for you.

I think that you're an immature asshole, personally.


If you want to see monkeys jack off dogs, watch this video.

SpaceMonkeyMafia responds:

They weren't jacking off the dogs, moron. They were scratching their bellies.

Thanks for the unhelpful sub-par review.