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Reviews for "[Dance- Mix 4 g-R]"


well this is really good man, I like the Synth you use for this,
it gives it this old sckool Techno vibe keep up the good work man,
oh and where do I know you from aging ? dont have you on Favs

are you a Spamer?


short but good, keep it up


This a good music


Pretty good like you definatly have done somthing right

I'm sending this to you through message in case.

I'm still and always going to call you G-Rave due to the fact it was your name from way back when in middle school when I first started listening to you. I'm a Junior in college now studying music as a career. Thank you G-rave for all of your music and success. I really hope you continue putting out music I can continue gathering inspiration for my own music from and as well as listening to make my life more exciting in all that I do. Thank you for you work, you will always have my support as a friend, listener, and fellow musician in the music community.

Now for my review.
This song is much different than your other pieces. That can be for a number of reasons:
New equipment
new influences or inspirations in your life
dabbling in new sounds

Now I'm not sure which of these inspired you to make such a drastic change in your sound and style, but I assure you that I don't think I am the only one when in saying that I appreciate the cooled down mood and more hip hop beat to your style. I'm not saying that I didn't like your extremely fast paced style, I'm just saying that as you mature as a musician, as in life, I think you will find that having varying styles and tempos, as in more than one each per song, in very refreshing and better on the ears.
The new sounds added to your usual, especially the synth pads (not leads), where a very nice touch that added a almost three dimensional quality to your music that just wasn't there before.
Overall, very nice job and the only things I would suggest, being that this song is very solid and well constructed, is that you work on blending your bass with your trble (melody) a little more, ESPECIALLY at the beginning. It just seemed a little seperated and distant from each-other, and as I'm sure you know, you want all elements in each of your songs to blend and HELP each-other out rather than work independently from each-other. Use one to bolster another, and then use that bolstered sound to further bolster yet another until all of your sounds are performing at an equal and optimum level.
I suggest starting with the beats, blending the bass with the beats, and when you have those two blended and working nicely with one another, start adding in the pads and the leads, and finally, and I suggest leaving these ALWAYS for last, the textures such as ambience SFX and rolls.
Thats just me though. I appreciate you for everything you've done to improve the quality of my life and hope you continue to be succesfull in everything you try.
God bless.
Meta Knight X,

g-r4ve responds:

omg why havent i responded to this yet lol. I think the main reason my style now is so drasticly different from wat it once was, is because ive started to listen to commercial dance music. The repetitive nature of trance and hard dance evolved my ear for music, in that i now focus more on making it danceable. I also fear ive lost some of my abilities the longer i went on. Its sad because many people are rejecting my newer style, because they just want complex melodys that flow fluently nonstop. My goal in life as far as music goes, is to be able to make a music *I* like, and *I* dance to. Im almost there with my new hard dance mixes... but they require inhuman amounts of effort. All in all, I appreciate your support, and im glad I was able to provide some inspiration for you. Thanks for your review, ill PM it to u in case u dont look here.