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Reviews for "Forever Gamer"

WOW i am so freaking amazed

this is just freaking brilliant

btw what did you use to record the voice

i tried recording my voice in fl7 and it wouldnt let me

SkyMarshall responds:

Thanks :) Nah I dont use FL7 to record either, it just doesnt do the trick. I record vocals in Adobe Audition 1.5 (there is newer versions ofcourse, but I like 1.5) using a studio-microphone called "RØDE NT-A1". Then I apply the effects fitting the song, and off I go :)

Yes! Woo!

I have logged on to my account that has been collecting dust for a lil over a year...maybe 2 (dont remember lol ) until now...just to tell you how ÜB£R/1337/epkal/sweet this song is. 10 man, nothing but...I've been playing games since the age of 2 and I like you shall never stop! This is quite an inspirational song and a good reminder what millions of people have spent their entire lives doing. Game on dude....game on

SkyMarshall responds:

Haha really? Well glad I brought you back to life man :) And thanks a lot for the 10. So from one gamer to another ...

Game on c",)


I think this is the best song I have ever heard!!!

SkyMarshall responds:

Im glad you like it man! Thanks for that .. and the 10 ofc.:)

Blast from the Past

This is definitely one of my favorite songs now. I haven't had a song give me such a nostalgia rush in a long time. On top of that, the lyrics ring true to any gamer worth their salt.
I really like how catchy the tune is. It's a very good combination, which is where most songs that could be good fail; They have good tunes but lame lyrics, or vice verse.
This is one of those songs that can be iconic to an entire generation if it gets popular enough.
Keep up the excellent work!

SkyMarshall responds:

Thanks for that, seriously nice review :) I like the way gamers seem to identify with what im trying to say here - as this is how I've felt about it my entire life. So good to see Im not alone. If this ever gets picked up by someone significant, I would have another go at a second verse of lyrics. There is more to be said. But that can ofcourse be said in another totally different song at a later time.

Thanks a bunch man! Appreciate it :)

*sigh* I remember a time too...

Really were the good days when all I had to worry about was reaching the next level :P considering games arent what they used to be and the responsibilities of growing up looking back on those past times really brings some strong nastalgia. (I KNOW i spelled that wrong btw)

Great song man, really hits home in the sense of past gaming, and is a good song even besides that fact, lookin forward to hearing more.

SkyMarshall responds:

Do I ever miss those times as well. Life was about school, then straight home to play Giana Sisters and chill the fuck out. Only worries were like you said, getting to the next level. So thanks for the 20, comrade.