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Reviews for "Farmland (True)"

"Sugar Land" scene

She picks up the hoe, looking at it with curious eyes. It's obvious she's never worked at a farm before, but oh, the hope in her eyes is enough to make him smile, even the tiniest bit. Olaf is quite sure she understands almost zero English, so he walks over and takes it from her gently, as not to startle her. Enchanting dark eyes look up from beneath thick lashes and she beams proudly in response. Words (German words, he thinks, with an internal cringe) stream from her mouth. Although he's Norweigan, their languages are close enough that he can understand relatively well.

"I have seen my papa at work with this!" She claims, pointing at the wooden handle with excitement. The quietness of a sunny, cloudless day sets in as they pick up a rhythm of learning and teaching, mostly without words. Olaf shows her where to pour the food for the horses, the pigs, the sheep (and he almost wants to laugh, because all this time, she still calls the pigs "pork" and the sheep "mutton.") Inge is intelligent and catches on fast and soon, a whole day is passed in this manner.

The next day is just as inspiring, uplifting. Inge brings her music horn out to the barn and she tries to show him how to waltz. No, he doesn't dance with her, but a smile is tugging at the corners of his mouth, because she has wormed her way into his heart without even trying. It might have been an arranged marriage, but it was (quite possibly) the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to him.

After a long day of work, they go to their respective beds, but not without Olaf giving her the biggest smile he has in his arsenal of the few twitches of the mouth he has. Emotions are normally in his eyes, not in his mouth or in his heart; everything pours out from that focal point of his watery brown eyes. Inge's face lights up like a bonfire and she beams, as if he has just given her the most precious gift.

Yes, things are not perfect; but they are certainly on their way.


Hello there, Bosa~! =] In my Humanities class, we just got done watching this BEAUTIFUL movie called "Sugar Land." It's about a young German woman (Inge) in the year 1920 coming to get married to a Norweigan immigrant. It was an arranged marriage, and from day one, she is made fun of and ostracized, all because she is German. She knows little English, so she doesn't quite understand what their saying. Olaf, the man she was supposed to get married to, is relatively aloof with her, if not flat-out /cold/.

But the two eventually fall in love and work together on the farm for the rest of their lives. "Honest farmers with honest dreams", I think the minister said. =] Really, the music in the movie and this song are so perfectly tuned to each other. I /love/ this piece. thank you so much for a great listen~!

A true maestro

I really enjoyed the first version of this and several other pieces you have done. Loved the extension,an excellent work that has become amazing!


I was looking for a long time trying to find a place were I could find people like you with a good passion for soundtrack music.... Im glad that I finally found it....

This is amazing..... very good flow and also all the mood changes in the track are great.....

Outstanding work....

Please check my track "miracle" and give some feedback


I... feel...

this one made me think. Sort of about the direction I am heading, and the way I live. It sucks compared to the guy I can see in this piece.

Hey... ummm... I kind of feel bashful about this, but since your the top ranked classical composer right now, could you please listen to my melancholy piece. And if you have the time could you listen to the others. I promise you will not be disappointed!!!

Day 2

The sun rises once again, to show forth new work upon the farm, today is different however, the day shall last longer than normal days have, this day is different from others... it is the first day of Summer, the longest day of the year. The farmer enters his fields working harder than he has ever worked before, not concentrating on anything else. From plowing, planting, and more. As the sun begins to set the farmer rests himself. Then the full moon rises in the sky and it is time to begin work again, this full moon has cast such a light that now more work can be done upon the farm. The animals are sleeping yes, but the farmer is still working through the night. As the farmer is nearing the end of his work he goes back into his house and sleeps until tomorrow when he begins another day of work... he knows it probably won't last forever, but he'll keep going until there is nothing left he can do. The farm shall stand as long as the farmer stands for it, the farm shall stand as long as the farmer works for it, and the farm shall stand as long as the farmer tries for it.

Fantastic piece! I did notice the changes in it and thus I just had to write another story for it, other than recreating or building from my previous story I made this one a bit different to move with your added and extended changes. The notes all float so well together. You have taken your own perfection and made it more better, I honestly didn't think it was possible for you to add on to your already true masterpiece! Excellent Work!


Bosa responds:

Thank you so much for this review, Great One! This is one heck of a worker if he plowed a whole garden in one day :)

But really, I greatly appreciate your reviews and stories, they often add a diverse way of listening to the music than what you would first hear.

With thanks,