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Reviews for "Sonic Heroes - Final Fortress"


Well I actually loved that level. There vere some annoying spots, agreee..
put the music track was soooo awesome that it smoothed out the glitches (which is rare for games)

I thought noone would ever dare to try remixing this complex track! SO thimbs up to you.
However I don't think there is any way make it sound even more badass then original. Maybe I'm wrong.

Nice remix and alternative parts!

How about remixing All-beloved "Grand Metropolis" track? ;)
i would try so, whenever I will have some good composing soft- (anything that's not midi, eeeeck..) Can't go far with midi...

PaulyBFromDa303 responds:

I can honestly admit that this was NOT an easy track to remix . . . in fact it took me 3 months to actually think of something for it. I had to walk away from this track and come back to it later. I posted like 4 more songs before this one. That's how hard it was XD

Though it wasn't as hard as His World, which is a shame that it was a total Bomb.

But Grand Metropolis? I like the sound of it, it's been requested by many already so, I better get to it XD


NOW i'll call this " last mission" its when my character must go into the coolasping space station planet and finds a mystirous figure in the ruins called "image" nice huh this for the tip friend

PaulyBFromDa303 responds:

I like the sound of it ^.^ Good luck bro.

Like it

Never played the game but this sounds like one of sonic's boss themes

PaulyBFromDa303 responds:

Not quite, it is the last action level though so close enough XD

Thnx for the review

This awakens fond memories....

I seriously liked this level...This makes my memorey vivid ER.

this song was made to more epic greatness, it gets me daydreaming bout it too...
as it occurs to me, i never was much for the ranking system in that game...but i liked the fact it had no real time limit.

as it just occured to me to mention, i left reviews im not especially HAPPY nor proud of b4...back then i was about 15 and a half and very picky and if my opinion of me stands, very rude...I stand a public appology so im sorry for bein a wave maker 2 yrs back, there i said it, i was an @$$.

as for the song, techno suits this song from Sonic Heroes...makes it mystic and epic.
I'm willing to hear more, so ima sit here like a PARTIALLY sane person and WAIT. (i *HATE* waiting)
cant wait to hear more of your mixes XD

PaulyBFromDa303 responds:

Yeah the ranking system kinda sucked lol. The time limit was pretty cool though. Gives you a bad score though. Meh oh well.

And don't worry too bad about your past reviews. In fact I celebrate honesty. If you're an ass-kisser or a hater then your reviews don't mean so much to me. Not so many ass-kissers though, my fans like my music for me . . . there is one guy though who thinks I'm god. Lucky for me he's left no reviews left but that's just creepy XD

Yeah it takes time to make music it seems. I can't wait to finish my next piece, but it's getting kinda hard since I'm learning new things every day about the music program I use, and I just don't know what to put where lol.

Well thnx for the review


i love this song that i download into my mp3 player.
make more!

PaulyBFromDa303 responds:

Hey thnx a lot. I'll keep goin dont worry