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Reviews for "College University pt 1"


Well isn't that special. The stupid dumfuck wasn't wearing any thing as far as underwear under his robe? Im scared and don't intend on watching the rest of this fucked up series!


This was good as far as animation and sound compared to most of the stuff out there. It lacked humor, which it really needed. Throw in some Jerry Springer shit, or have someone get kidnapped by a retarted monkey or something.



Sterile US sitcom humour

Going against popular opinion I thought this was bloody awful.

The cartoon style taken straight from every cartoon you'd see on a Sunday morning, lousey sound, crap jokes (if they were jokes), and characters that were evidently taken straight from those around him who have no appeal whatsoever.

On the outskirts of wankville, heading straight for the city centre!

parks2 responds:

Wankville? First of all, I appreciate your honesty, but don't be so critical until you create an entire series or even one flash cartoon for that matter. Secondly, there are no Sunday morning cartoons, it's Saturday- And cut me some slack- I'm usin the mic that came wit the computer- I know this material isn't as brilliant as all the top-notch comedies the United Kingdom cranks out, but you can't blame a guy for trying

Geeh you must watch the Simpsons

I'm sorry to break this too you but more than half the jokes in this cartoon are stolen from the Simpsons, even the style is alittle simpsony. Like the joke where the guy goes "Member when you fell of the stage?..huh? Member that?" THis is a line from the Simpsons episode "Whacking Day" Homer goes to lisa "Member when daddy hit the referee?...huh..member?"

And alot of other jokes were stolen. Sorry but you shouldnt steal material.