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Reviews for "Foamy's Rant 2 : Foamy The Squirrel"

Very good

I thought this was a really funny flash. To all those people who are complaining about how Foamy was complaining about children with high pitched whining
That was part of what was funny! The irony of him complaining about something he does was supposed to be funny. All you people who are saying how bad these cartoons are, why do you even keep watching them. Some people like them, even though you may not find it funny doesn't mean you should insult people who do, everyone has there own sense of humor. Just deal with the fact that they exsist and dont bitch.

how ironic...

...a squirrel complaining about children with a high pitched frequency of whining and yelling that just fucking drills itselves into his brain, when he himself has a high pitched frequency of whining (especially in his "rants") and complaining that drives itself into many a person's brain. your cartoons are getting QUITE monotonous illwill. dont make your talent go to waste.

love ta bitch

I love ta bitch too. thank god someone can actually take the time to do it... Bitch I mean because if some one doesnt do it no one will figure it out. thank you jesus for making a sweet point

eat more peas


To the author:

good as always....keep it up...


To cannibus clock especially:

And so you whine again....about how much you can't stand Foamy. And none of your crap Pube Mupit movies could ever make it past 3. Give it up, in the voting department.....illwill press will always o\/\/n you.

Another excellent Foamy cartoon!

Excellent as usual.