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Reviews for "Arrogancy Game Demo"

I got tired of it after a couple of minute...

It just didn't feel right.
But please, finish the full version and I'll play it, see if I like it and maybe even sent you a donation. Your idea is good, very good. I like that. But it sure must be 120% better then this Demo...well, ok, 80% then.
Good luck. ;)


This game was ok and it showed real potential but really it didn't hold my interest for very long


ok... thats all i can say about this game it is a relly good story and all but every thing is WAY TOO SLOW... if you just would speed it up it would be fine and if you added a few other things but im not going to waste my time saying them but they are there.. so well this game isn't all that great but not bead so it OK but not the kind on ok that you say to an alright game its an ok thats a little lower.. so thats my review of this ok game.. later

not bad

not bad but not really good.

Not so sure about this.

Err... the graphics are alright. There's nothing wrong with the way anything is drawn... it's just that you have different styles incorporated that shouldn't be drawn together. You may have had plenty of fine art training, but take it a step further and use styles that complement each other. I like the random Ness riding his bike, and the sunlight glaring at the screen when you walk by. Good effect. The sound ... is ... awful. The first area has this crappy kiddie game music, then the next area has an upbeat techno tune? First off, that makes no sense. Secondly, both of the songs suck :( The game is very interactive, as it should be. In sim games, this category is pretty much a given. On a side note, what the hell is up with the intro? It was pretty lame. Style is pretty good. Unlike other sim games, you actually move the character around. On another side note, I have to agree with what people have been saying about the movement speed. I don't know about other people's computers, but mine is a beast and I know the game isn't running slow. However, when his 'running' animation is intialized, it looks like he's going into an all-out sprint. Yet, he only goes so fast. It takes a little more than 6 "steps" to get from Stephanie to Josh in the first area. That should be walking speed. Maybe it should take half as many for running speed. Violence isn't that great. I realize it's only a demo, but based off what there is in front of me, it sucks. Not much humor in this. However, the little instances of old video games do spruce it up a bit.
Overall, this demo is average. It has a lot of potential, but it could go either way. Hopefully the full release doesn't suck :P
P.S. - Maybe you shouldn't flame people who review your game. You think that's gonna make more people interested in your works?

arrogancy responds:

1) Every background type has a different look and "feel" to differentiate the areas and feelings of each section of the town. The residential area is "sketchy" and "loose," the shopping district is cold and sterile, the club is bright/special effect happy and flashy, etc. Arrogancy, being the outsider, never quite fits in with his surroundings, while the townspeople do (You see more of that in the full game). That was a conscious artistic decision on my part as was...

2) Every song is scored to match the background (except the fight music, which is a stand-in). For instance, the bouncy town music is for the loose and sketchy residential area, while the cold and soft electronic music is for the town. I know you're probably used to people just downloading random popular music that you're familiar with, but I don't do that. More people appreciate the music as opposed to thinking that it sucks, and more importantly, I'm happy with it.

3) The intro fits in with the overall story (including the rest of the intro which was included in the demo due to file size). The game is heavily story-based, and much will only make sense with the surrounding story. However, that part of the intro was left in because it directly ties in with Arrogancy; Episode 1.

4) I counted 4 steps. Looks about right to me.

5) The humor is mainly based on references - if you don't get the particular reference, you won't like the humor. The Alex dialogue alone makes many people who played RCR laugh, as it is directly referencing/mocking that game. If you don't get it, that's your fault, really.

6) I care less about scores, especially when most of the ratings come from little kids or people that think as such, and I would rather people dislike me than like me personally ,anyway, because "fan" opinions tend to be just as biased as flamer opinions - just slightly less obvious at times. Thus, when I see stupidty or ignorance in my reviews, I point it out.

If you think they're pissed off now, just wait until they play the full game and have to get a certain score in an IQ test just to get it to play :)