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Reviews for "Dad 'n Me"


it was a bit boring but a good piece of work

DarKsidE555 responds:

Don't quite get your review there, maybe because of the lack of information about it but thanks for the review anyways.

Nice point/counterpoint

I like how you portray Dad in the first half -- a bit heavy, with the weight of the world and the responsibility of raising Junior pressing on him. Then we switch to the fun-loving Junior -- light hearted and not a care in the world!

Good job, very well done!

DarKsidE555 responds:

Why thank you very much sir! I always try to put some "sense" in my music. From time to time, it really helps. haha. Anyways, thanks for the very nice review there! Also, if that age of your's really is true then you're one of the oldest NG users I know. Not meant to be as an offense, more like a surprise and refreshing change from the usual NG users. ;)

Enjoy your stay! :)

Alright Here is my input...

from 00:06-00:35 the entire instrumental section was too dull, it stayed in the lower ranges too long and was too repetitive, Repetition is alright, but if what you are repeating isn't very interesting; the music itself isn't that intensely powerful, nor does it conjure up mental imagery of violent savagery, traits Dad and junior are Representative of. This seems more like an average Metal Riff with a chainsaw sound bite added along with some other details. I don't truly feel that this deserves the name Dad and Me mainly because I feel there isn't a connection. I don't mean to Demean this work, In fact I believe it to be rather good, its just not what its made out to be.

DarKsidE555 responds:

Too dull? Hmm...I don't really get your drift there tbh. I hope you saw the description. It explains this song, why it is what it is. Furthermore, DanPaladin himself faved this song, which is really all I could go for and seriously...if the creator of Dad'n Me thinks it's cool, it means to me I did everything 100% right.

None the less, opinions may vary and I take your review as what it is.

Thanks for checking!


wow nice one . . . :D

DarKsidE555 responds:

Thanks! :)

its better but not that good...

no comment.

DarKsidE555 responds:

Wow, what a USELESS "review". Thanks as well for that no0bish pm ya little shithead! :D

Learn something about music and how to review then come again! Kthxbye!