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Reviews for "French Erotic Film"

Good stuff!

Heheheh, I still laugh when I wtach this video. And you gotta love the Captain Planet spoof. However, this video is pale in comparisson to the greatness of FEF2, which needs to be uploaded to Newgrounds.
But it's still a very good fanimutation that uses references from various fanimutations as well as animutations.

fucking hilarios

OMG this is the film you'll wathc and be confused at first but you'll come to your sences and find know this is the best flash ever!!

You know nothing gets more random that this so watch this.
FRENCH EROTIC FILM. la la la la la la gotta love the scots!

Not the best Fanimutation I've seen

Kinda boring and not very funny by Fanimutation standards.

TmsT responds:

May I please see the official Fanimutation Standards List, so that I can improve for next time?

(Damn! I KNEW I should've put in a picture of Goku with funny eyes and teeth drawn on, jiggling up and down next to a mirror image of the same graphic! *slap self*)

MadClock is a blathering moron.

Hey. Mad Clock. He KNOWS it's not french.

He has the name of the song and the Author, after the credits.

Idiots like you make my head hurt.

Anyway, about the animation. I love it. It's brilliant. I saw it on newgrounds a while ago when some idiot stole it and posted it, I've been looking for the actual author ever since.

TmsT responds:

What what what? Somebody stole my baby?! Who? Why I oughta... I challenge that scurvy knave to a duel of Fanimutations!
People who don't stay for the credits are so RUDE, aren't they? And they miss out on the BONUS FOOTAGE at the end... or that which one might THINK is the end... (Hint hint, hidden bonus footage!)


It's Dutch you moron, not French. The song is called : Opblaaskrokodil - Ome Henk.

TmsT responds:

En jij noemt MIJ een idioot? Luister naar de woorden. Klinkt het alsof Ome Henk "Dutch Erotic Film" zegt? Nee. Het klinkt alsof hij "French Erotic Film" zegt. I neem aan dat je me nu ook nog zult gaan ridiculiseren voor de schotse invloed. Doe eens wat moeite en leer een gevoel voor humor aan jij heikneuter.