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Reviews for "SBC HUMAN 2"


It was just as good as your other piece but I would have liked for it to have been longer.

LegendaryPP responds:

NO.. dont you understand? it will comes out again with many better artists then me in a clock colap. i will delete this tomorrow

Well,....here is what i think....

It,was pretty good,the idea was pretty neat,but the flash itsself could,have went on for a lil bbit longer....So,next time make,a flash with this same concept but a lil longer..plz......Oh,and were you bored when you made this???
Thanks for voting, S_K_U_Z_Z_Y!
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LegendaryPP responds:

yea i was bored. it will be in the next clocks colap


I think the head or what ever was a starwberry.
Id have to say......its was weird.

That last guy i think he was on crack

Anyways its like dragon balls in a way-same shit over and over

LegendaryPP responds:

ah.. shut the fuck up n00b

And here is what NO.1 JUDGE Xidious scores YOU.


I think you could have something here, im not sure but I think ive seen a saiyan strawberry clock before this.

The graphics needs work ofcourse and it would of helped a lot to make a backround.