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Reviews for "Koopa's Collapse"



im gonna cry

Well nt reallt, but this is really kinda sad.

Have I seen this before?

Actually, putting the plot in the future, after Mario and Bowser are gone saves your movie from being a rip-off of the other guys' films... sort of. Your style is generally the same as their's, however, which makes you seem like such a copycat.
Suggestions: Try going easy on the music and implementing some more sound effects. Or use some real Mario music, for a change. Yes, you might think that the original Mario music is not "dark" enough, but if you get creative with it, I'm sure you could fit some old Mario tunes into your films. If you count all the Mario games in existence, you've got some two or three-hundred tunes to choose from. Trying to remember a particularly dark one? Try the 'castle' music from Super Mario World.
If you do try some using Mario music, consider using it mostly in the background. Dark Mario films so far have been too much like silently reading an illustrated book while playing some overly dramatic music as a background to the reading. Real movies are generally not like that. Real movies try to draw us in through dialogue, acting, special effects, etc. Experiment with some of these thinigs for added spice.


Two years... and still no sequel... ive seen this on flashplayer and here in newgrounds, and im still waiting. The score given here is atrocious, it should be a 5... and for your first flash, doctor, this is incredible. Personally, i don't believe this is your first flash. And, Dr. Wombat, if that sequel which your site claims is 15% comlete, doesn't come out soon, I'll die. Yep. Die. So, I'm waiting for it Doctor. Please, send it here as soon as possible.

EnzoComics responds:

Hahaha, dude, I am SO sorry. I never expected how this would turn out.. and as a result.. I've let the entire thing go slack. See, when I first made this movie I was cooped up in an apartment awaiting the chemotherapy that is required for cancer treatment. And I'm not lying about that, it was seriously what gave me enough time to work. Now that everything's fine and I'm back in school, I've never found the amount of time that I got back then to work. I can't promise anything.

I can promise you, though, that the story has been set, and I can promise you, that you wil not be disappointed.

Cheers, my friend.

Excellent movie.. please do a sequel :)

That was great, excellent animation, and the music adds so much to it. Hope you do a sequel :)