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Reviews for "Mega Man X2 | Zero's Theme v3"


I can't get enough of this!!!
It's really perfect.
YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DarKsidE555 responds:

Thanks a lot man! I tried hard on this to get it as awesome as I could! METAL! \m/


dude sweetness keep it up! XD

DarKsidE555 responds:

Will do sir! Just having a little block lately, though I can guarantee that more songs are in the works! >;D


Just pimped out one of my favorite MegaMan songs!
Awesome Job! 10/10!

DarKsidE555 responds:

Glad that I could be at service mate! Thanks for the support! :D

sweet !

Dude sweet lol as u can see from my name im a huge fan of both the megaman and the metroid seris especially the music i feel those two games other than final fantasy and chrono trigger have the best songs ever written and this was one of the great songs xD and u did an amazing job soo good in fact that i would like to ask you to make a remix of blizzard buffalo's song from Mega Man X3 (lol i know its the ice stages song from mmx3 not sure about buffalo xD) but that would be a sweet mix and i know you would do a pro job are you game ? XD

DarKsidE555 responds:

I got it on my to do list but I can't say when I get to do it. Though, I can assure you that it's gonna happen. Thanks a lot for checking the music! :)

True Tribute to Zero

This song is so perfectly Zero that its unbelieveable! I've heard and downloaded your other versions, and this is truly your Megaman X Masterpiece. The guitars were all very strong and powerful, reflecting Zero's attitude and the power of the situiation that you so skillfully spelled out in the comment section. The drums, unlike your ealier versions, melded seamlessly into the song, only made distinguishable when one makes the attempt, whereas your earlier ones the drums seemed too independent. I absolutely loved how you expanded on the song, one that in my mind has been one of the greatest in videogame history. Please though, for all of us fans, please make some kind of attempt to get this to Capcom. Such an epic as this would more than likely give them the inspiration needed to try and remake Megaman X2, one of the best games ever, hopefully also inspiring them to revamp the series (if you've been following it like I have, at least from an objective, distant point of view, you'll see what i mean). But overall, I am confident that this is one of the greatest songs ever put on Newgrounds and I hope to see it in some awesome flashes and hopefully, with some luck, the best videogame remakes of all time. Great job, keep up the perfect work!!!

DarKsidE555 responds:

I do think so myself...at least for the moment. It's one of my fav. songs from nearly all Mega Man games and it just screamed to be longer and better. I really put a lot of effort in it and all of my recording skills I had that time.

What can I say about the drums? New drums = good! :)

Still not very satisfied with them but with my newer works...it's getting there. ;) I'm also very happy that you enjoyed my original expansion to the song.

Get this to capcom? Well, if I would pass it down to them, they would only see me as a self-whorer...I guess. I never tried actually. More important for me is that guys like you, listeners, fans or how you may want to call them, spread the word about this. :)

Overall, thanks a lot for the very cool review man! <3