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Reviews for "9-11 Tribute"


Just some pictures with a bit of music

Dipesh responds:

Yup. I'm glad you payed attention to atleast that part!


We dont need more tributes. THe media is already saturated with stories and all that. FOr the people who actually were affected, well they already have their own way of dealing. This kind of thing is made by people just following the media fad and actually belittling the efforts of those people who were really hurt

Dipesh responds:

You're right, and I'm sorry. Maybe you'll like my next one better?


ok, now this is kind of getting annoying!!! Think, if you were a victim of september 11th would you want everyone to never get over it? I understand that it is a very sad thing, and i feel sorry for the victims and their families. It is important that we remember what happend two years ago, but not keep on tallking about it.

Dipesh responds:

lol... There's a reason the Author's describe the videos. I understand if you feel uncomfortable watching them, but if you really don't want to watch it, we're not putting a gun to your head!

god i'm sick of you americans...

ok, now i dont usually leave reviews like this, nor do i usually even say things like this, but something about this outpouring of pointless rememberance movies has triggered something in me, now first of all.. it's not that i dont care about the 3000 people that died... what? 2 years ago? but shit! it was only 3000! how many have died in you're god damned war against terror? you guys honestly dont give a fuck how many of your enemies die! but suddenly when a pissy little 3000 people, the social equivalent of a bloody nose, die... well suddenly it's just the worst thing in the god damned world isnt it? you guys simply cannot take any crap can you? you're all just a bunch of pussies hiding behind the fucking bomb arent you?? you honestly think that the best way to contradict the killing of 3000 innocent people is to go and kill a 1000000 innocent people! and if you try to give me that crap about them all being evil then i say fuck you! fuck you guys and your damned war mongering! fuck you guys and your idiot war-supporting president! i say you guys all just go stick your nukes up your asses man! why dont all you guys who like fighting (american, canadian, eurpoian, german, iraqi and everyone else) just go off somewhere and kill eachother, leave the rest of us the hell alone! but i have gone somewhat off topic havent i? what was my original complaint about?... ah yes, you morons who seem to think that the loss of 3000 people needs to be addressed over and over and over while the killing of millions of innocents really doesnt seem to bug you. of course i'm not generallizing here, i know that not all americans are like what i've just been ranting about.. but there is a small (or maybe large?) group that fits my description perfectly, and you guys are the people in the world that really make me sick. there i said it!

btw - nice movie, she really flowed there!

Dipesh responds:

lol... Well damn, don't take it out on my movie!

My Dipesh is sexier than you!...

..And more artistic...
...And more funny...
.... And generally better ;-)

My Dipesh liked the tune so therefore I do too!!!