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Reviews for "Mark's Teachings of Anime"

Hey Shplaid, shiggity shiggity shwa~!

Well, I see you still can't draw too well, which doesn't suprise me much. You have gotten better though.... I think. Luckily though, this movie was not one in which the art was critical. It was very informative, and though I knew most of it already, I still found it interesting. Also, it was pretty funny - not laugh my bitch ass off funny - but pretty funny. I hope people who's knowledge of anime is limited to the Cartoon Network learned a lesson from this. Out of all your movies I've seen, I'd have to say I enjoyed this one the most. Good work, keep it up. Time to watch The Family Guy.


Thank you so much for mentioning Astro-Boy, Gigantor and Robo-tech.
Sadly, another trend that I am seeing in anime and manga is the CLAMP style infiltrating everything like cancer. I know everyone's entitled to an opinion and pursuit of happiness but it upsets me that the real 'old-school' anime are being forgotten in return for giant eyed, weak plot, soap opera/love story anime and manga. Sorry, CLAMP makes me bitter.
Anyway, it's refreshing to see someone who still enjoys the originals.
By the way, have you seen Metropolis? It's kind of new but the style is reminiscint of Astro Boy and Cyborg 009. Also check out Jin-Roh, it was pretty good.


Dumb mainstream anime fans! Glad you mention all that anime. I'm a huge Gundam fan myself, so I was a little discouraged when you mention Gundam going the way of Star Trek. But overall you did a decent job. Too bad you can't really do outstanding drawings though.

You just made my favorites.

Very good...very very good.


That was funny but it didnt inform me (i already know all that stuff) but i think it would help anyone else thats un-informed

nice work...