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Reviews for "LXG in 15 Minutes"


dude that was so boring i didn't even finish watching that piece of crap u call a movie

And this was the best because?

I hated it.....sorry it just bored the crap out of me.....it wouldn't have been bad if the graphics where but they weren't.....it just sucked! The only fing good about it was the sound otherwise it was pure crap......in summary.....an complete waste of time!

holy shit

thats movie would have been so fucking awesome if it didnt suck monkey ass.

Afro-Ninja responds:

Monkey ass eh? Not just regular ass?

Lifeless, worthless, and unwatchable...

You should have named this movie: "LXG in Tweens" or "LXG in 15 Minutes Actually Took Me 15 Minutes to Make." This is a filthy pile of trash only made possible by Afro_Ninja. Why is it here? Why is the score high? I have no idea after watching this tween fest. I pray to G-d that one day, I'll be able to animate, because the first thing I will submit is a full mock of everything you have ever "accomplished on NG."

First of all, I liked LXG, and I don't appreciate it being mocked in such a lack-luster way. Seriously Afro_Samurai... I mean Afro_Ninja (Sorry, I get the two confused. They just sound soooo similar *wink* *wink*), You took the movie step by step, tweened it, poorly drew the characters with lines, and I do mean LINES for fuck's sake! horribly impersonated the characters' voices, and shot cheap parodies of the most obvioulsy joked about sections. "Wow! he's invisible! Let's make fun of it because it's NEVER been done!"

I'm always ready to forgive a poorly made movie if it's either A: The author's style. or B: It's funny as hell. This film was neither. Oh wait! Your style is shittacular! I guess I should vote 5 on your stuff now!

Afro-Ninja responds:

That's the spirit!

Oh, and did you realize the movies you're bashing are 2-3 years old?

shit on it!

it was crap. kan u put it in hell