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Reviews for "Karco - Apology (Trance Remix)"


Well, it's very clean. I thought it painted a pretty sound. Loved that piano work. Very sassy. The song itself was very repetitive, but that's kind of a given paradigm with electronica. If there's any advice I could give you, it's to vary things up a bit more. Maybe a voice sample here or there, maybe a change in the melody/rhythm more often.

The song is perfect if you were going for a plain old classic dance track. Rock on. I noticed that the song was voted down at a 1, so I threw you a 5.

Karco responds:

Glad you like the quality, it's something I'm getting better and better at! :D The piano work... well, it was old composition, all of it, except for the high part - these days I don't like having a piano playing only in the middle/low ranges, so I had to add a high part to it. ;D

Well, at least you didn't mind the repetitiveness... :P As for varying things up - this isn't a good song for using vocals, as it would break the atmosphere I was trying to set up. And this is a remix of an old song that mostly was made up of bad, so-so composition. I just salvaged the best of it! XD Even as a trance song, though, I can see where you're coming from, especially since you're now the third to mention it. So that means I'm keeping a closer look on that diversity now! ;D

Glad you liked it, thanks a lot for reviewing, and for the 5! :D

Nice :D

I'm typing this review as I hear the song, so here goes :D

The intro is pretty repetitive, just a kick and a hihat (before :25)

At :58, I'm starting to get tired of the bass...

There it is, I like this part (past 1:15). A heroic theme, almost. Good rhythm with the piano, it sounds great.

Whoa, is the piano reversed? As it plays with the kick and hihat! There is the beauty of the piano with the trance instruments, I love it.

Well, overall, I thought it was good, though too repetitive. There were good parts to it, like just after 1:15, and later on at 3:40 when the piano came together with the trance. Good luck with your next project(s)!

Karco responds:

For diversity, copy-pasting two comments from the previous response...

- I needed to leave myself somewhere to go, and I don't think starting right off with the bass would have been as good of an idea. Oh well. :)

- I haven't been giving myself grief over diversity lately... I kinda lost all of my will to make music a while back and the only way to finish anything is to give myself a break here and there. My standards have been a bit lower since it happened... funny thing is, my stuff since then sounds better to me than the stuff I've made before it happened. o_O

It's actually old composition. :P Glad you like it. :D

It's not reversed, it's sidechained, ducking under the kick. And yep, it's one of my favorite qualities of this song, too. :D

Well, glad you liked it. Thanks for the review! :)


That straight four on the floor beginning makes the tune very very very very very boring- mostly because of the intense repetitiveness and the lenght of it. It doesn't really evolve much, there's the same stuff going for the first two minutes. About no emotion there, so it turns out to be incredibly laidback.

The structure is kind of awkward- there's this little trance doodle around for the first minutes, then it seems like you just copy and pasted the original song in there for the next part, then finished it off with the same thing as what you started off with (seemed like, I'm pretty sure that's not what you did though). It's not exactly an original twist to it (well, of course it is original, since you made the first song)

It's a decent tune and all. But not anything new or interesting. Feels rather empty, like it needs much, much more- and it really could be a fantastic tune if you really wanted it to be one. Don't know, I neither like or dislike it.

What a bleak review from my side :/

Karco responds:

Not much to say about diversity, read the below responses... :\ Laid back is a new one, I can see where you're coming from.

As I was making the song - and consider that nearly all of it, save a few volume tweaks, was made in one night - really, what I wanted to do was to FINISH something. I guess I cut a few corners by thinking that way. :P

I know what you mean by a fantastic tune, I've actually got one (in my opinion) in the works, and hopefully it won't go the way of all of my other ideas - I was able to work to a point on them, and then the inspiration abruptly stopped coming.

Not really a "bleak" review in my opinion, especially considering most of this has been said by other reviewers, which probably makes you right. :P Thanks for the review.


Well, this was pretty boring. The drum beat had was too hard on the high-hats that my ears were starting to bleed (not literally). I think you should've either made the beat's volume lower, or gotten rid of one of those high-hats in the beat.

The electro side of it was ok, but the drum beat was overtaking it and to be honest, this song was quite boring. I can see you've improved immensely though because Rush is turning out great! I can't wait to see the finished version!

Karco responds:

The drums were so-so, and difficult to work with namely because this song was in 3/4 time. I know what you mean when you say the hihats were loud, some EQing was probably in order here but I didn't notice it.

This is probably not one of my better songs, and probably because it was rushed. :\ I definitel y have improved since, but I think the main difference was in the effort, not in the skill level.

I'm probably going to finish my hard trance WIP first, but I'm definitely trying to find a way to finish Rush. ;D Thanks for the review!


I really hated the original of this song, to be honest. And then I saw that you reworked it and got excited, and seriously, this song could be a really amazing song if you wanted to put a little more effort into it. I like certain PARTS of this song, particularily the melody and the bass line. But I mean really, SBB is right, it gets boring too fast and is too repetitive. I'm sure you've read that to death in the reviews for this song, so I kinda tried not to say it.

Really, though, you should try to breathe some life into it. It starts out alright, and by the first minute you're already bored. I mean the melody is good, and if you want mindless background noise then it's awesome. The part in the middle where it kinda drops off and is just the piano is unecessary and irrelevant. Furthermore, it disrupts the entire flow of the song.

I really love the melody though, and I really wish you would breathe new life into this song, because it could be a masterpiece. <3

Karco responds:

Yeah... I thought the original was good at the time that I made it, now it just sounds really crappy and noobish. :I I HAVE read the diversity complaints for this song to death, though! XD The song was rushed, and I guess this is what I get for it.

Problem is, there's no life to be breathed in. The inspiration died a few months ago. :\

I guess that's what remixes are for! :D

Thanks for the review, glad you liked the parts that you did. :)